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Unsupervised Video Hashing with Multi-granularity Contextualization and Multi-structure Preservation

Published: 10 October 2022 Publication History


Unsupervised video hashing typically aims to learn a compact binary vector to represent complex video content without using manual annotations. Existing unsupervised hashing methods generally suffer from incomplete exploration of various perspective dependencies (e.g., long-range and short-range) and data structures that exist in visual contents, resulting in less discriminative hash codes. In this paper, we propose aMulti-granularity Contextualized and Multi-Structure preserved Hashing (MCMSH) method, exploring multiple axial contexts for discriminative video representation generation and various structural information for unsupervised learning simultaneously. Specifically, we delicately design three self-gating modules to separately model three granularities of dependencies (i.e., long/middle/short-range dependencies) and densely integrate them into MLP-Mixer for feature contextualization, leading to a novel model MC-MLP. To facilitate unsupervised learning, we investigate three kinds of data structures, including clusters, local neighborhood similarity structure, and inter/intra-class variations, and design a multi-objective task to train MC-MLP. These data structures show high complementarities in hash code learning. We conduct extensive experiments using three video retrieval benchmark datasets, demonstrating that our MCMSH not only boosts the performance of the backbone MLP-Mixer significantly but also outperforms the competing methods notably. Code is available at: https://github.com/haoyanbin918/MCMSH.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (mmfp0387.mp4)
This is the presentation video of the paper "Unsupervised Video Hashing with Multi-granularity Contextualization and Multi-structure Preservation", which briefly introduces the paper from three aspects: background, methods and experiments. Our method simultaneously explores multiple axial contexts for discriminative video representation generation and various structural information for unsupervised learning. You can learn more about the paper through the video.


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  1. Unsupervised Video Hashing with Multi-granularity Contextualization and Multi-structure Preservation



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