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10.1145/3503161.3548044acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesmmConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Cross-Domain 3D Model Retrieval Based On Contrastive Learning And Label Propagation

Published: 10 October 2022 Publication History


In this work, we aim to tackle the task of unsupervised image based 3D model retrieval, where we seek to retrieve unlabeled 3D models that are most visually similar to the 2D query image. Due to the challenging modality gap between 2D images and 3D models, existing mainstream methods adopt domain-adversarial techniques to eliminate the gap, which cannot guarantee category-level alignment that is important for retrieval performance. Recent methods align the class centers of 2D images and 3D models to pay attention to the category-level alignment. However, there still exist two main issues: 1) the category-level alignment is too rough, and 2) the category prediction of unlabeled 3D models is not accurate. To overcome the first problem, we utilize contrastive learning for fine-grained category-level alignment across domains, which pulls both prototypes and samples with the same semantic information closer and pushes those with different semantic information apart. To provide reliable semantic prediction for contrastive learning and also address the second issue, we propose the consistent decision for pseudo labels of 3D models based on both the trained image classifier and label propagation. Experiments are carried out on MI3DOR and MI3DOR-2 datasets, and the results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (MM22-fp1232.mp4)
We propose a novel cross-domain 3D model retrieval method based on contrastive learning and label propagation to tackle the task of unsupervised image based 3D model retrieval. We perform fine grained semantic alignment via category-level and sample-level contrastive learning. We also improve the prediction accuracy for unlabeled 3D models with the consensus of image classifier and label propagation. Experiments are carried out on two commonly used datasets, and the results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method.


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  1. Cross-Domain 3D Model Retrieval Based On Contrastive Learning And Label Propagation



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    • (2025)Adaptive CLIP for open-domain 3D model retrievalInformation Processing & Management10.1016/j.ipm.2024.10398962:2(103989)Online publication date: Mar-2025
    • (2024)Cross-Modal Contrastive Learning with a Style-Mixed Bridge for Single Image 3D Shape RetrievalACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications10.1145/368964520:12(1-24)Online publication date: 30-Aug-2024
    • (2023)CoCa: A Connectivity-Aware Cascade Framework for Histology Gland SegmentationProceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia10.1145/3581783.3613779(1598-1606)Online publication date: 26-Oct-2023

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