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10.1145/3512527.3531377acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesicmrConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Weakly-supervised Cerebrovascular Segmentation Network with Shape Prior and Model Indicator

Published: 27 June 2022 Publication History


Labeling cerebral vessels requires domain knowledge in neurology and could be extremely laborious, and there is a scarcity of public annotated cerebrovascular datasets. Traditional machine learning or statistical models could yield decent results on thick vessels with high contrast while having poor performance on those regions of low contrast. In our work, we employ a statistic model as noisy labels and propose a Transformer-based architecture which utilizes Hessian shape prior as soft supervision. It enhances the learning ability of the network to tubular structures, so that the model can make more accurate predictions on refined cerebrovascular segmentation. Furthermore, to combat the overfitting towards noisy labels as model training, we introduce an effective label extension strategy that only calls for a few manual strokes on one sample. These supplementary labels are not used for supervision but only as an indicator to tell where the model keeps the most generalization capability, so as to further guide the model selection in validation. Our experiments are carried out on a public TOF-MRA dataset from MIDAS data platform, and the results demonstrate that our method shows superior performance on cerebrovascular segmentation which achieves Dice of 0.831±0.040 in the dataset.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (ICMR22-SS258.mp4)
The presentation Video of "Weakly Supervised Cerebrovascular Segmentation Network with Shape Prior and Model Indicator" for ICMR22 special session--Weakly Supervised Learning for Medical Image Analysis


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ICMR '22: Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval
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Published: 27 June 2022


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  1. Hessian prior
  2. cerebrovascular segmentation
  3. model indicator
  4. weakly supervised


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