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FLEE: A Hierarchical Federated Learning Framework for Distributed Deep Neural Network over Cloud, Edge, and End Device

Published: 13 October 2022 Publication History


With the development of smart devices, the computing capabilities of portable end devices such as mobile phones have been greatly enhanced. Meanwhile, traditional cloud computing faces great challenges caused by privacy-leakage and time-delay problems, there is a trend to push models down to edges and end devices. However, due to the limitation of computing resource, it is difficult for end devices to complete complex computing tasks alone. Therefore, this article divides the model into two parts and deploys them on multiple end devices and edges, respectively. Meanwhile, an early exit is set to reduce computing resource overhead, forming a hierarchical distributed architecture. In order to enable the distributed model to continuously evolve by using new data generated by end devices, we comprehensively consider various data distributions on end devices and edges, proposing a hierarchical federated learning framework FLEE, which can realize dynamical updates of models without redeploying them. Through image and sentence classification experiments, we verify that it can improve model performances under all kinds of data distributions, and prove that compared with other frameworks, the models trained by FLEE consume less global computing resource in the inference stage.


Algorithm FedAvg illustrates the process of aggregation, its inputs include the number of clients \(M\), local iteration times \(E\), training batch size \(B\), learning rate \(\eta\), and total aggregation times \(K\). In this algorithm, firstly, each client downloads the initialized model \(G_0\) from the server. Next, models are locally trained \(E\) times with \(CLIENTUPDATE\), and then sent to the server for aggregation. After that, the server sums up all the models according to the data proportion of each client, and finally distributes the aggregated model \(G^{j+1}\) to clients for further training. The process above iterates \(K\) times. It is worth noting that only a part of clients participate in the training process in each iteration, and the whole training process adopts the gradient descent method.


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  1. FLEE: A Hierarchical Federated Learning Framework for Distributed Deep Neural Network over Cloud, Edge, and End Device



        Information & Contributors


        Published In

        cover image ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology
        ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology  Volume 13, Issue 5
        October 2022
        424 pages
        • Editor:
        • Huan Liu
        Issue’s Table of Contents


        Association for Computing Machinery

        New York, NY, United States

        Publication History

        Published: 13 October 2022
        Online AM: 17 May 2022
        Accepted: 30 January 2022
        Revised: 25 January 2022
        Received: 01 May 2021
        Published in TIST Volume 13, Issue 5


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        1. Federated learning
        2. early exit of inference
        3. distributed neural network


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        • National Natural Science Foundation of China
        • Scientific Research Project of National University of Defense Technology


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