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Authoring accessible media content on social networks

Published: 22 October 2022 Publication History


User-generated content plays a key role in social networking, allowing a more active participation, socialisation, and collaboration among users. In particular, media content has been gaining a lot of ground, allowing users to express themselves through different types of formats such as images, GIFs and videos. The majority of this growing type of online visual content remains inaccessible to a part of the population, in particular for those who have a visual disability, despite available tools to mitigate this source of exclusion. We sought to understand how people are perceiving this type of online content in their networks and how support tools are being used. To do so, we conducted a user study, with 258 social network users through an online questionnaire, followed by interviews with 20 of them – 7 blind users and 13 sighted users. Results show how the different approaches being employed by major platforms may not be sufficient to address this issue properly. Our findings reveal that users are not always aware of the possibility and the benefits of adopting accessible practices. From the general perspectives of end-users experiencing accessible practices, concerning barriers encountered, and motivational factors, we also discuss further approaches to create more user engagement and awareness.


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cover image ACM Conferences
ASSETS '22: Proceedings of the 24th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility
October 2022
902 pages
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Published: 22 October 2022

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  • (2024)IMAGE: An Open-Source, Extensible Framework for Deploying Accessible Audio and Haptic Renderings of Web GraphicsACM Transactions on Accessible Computing10.1145/366522317:2(1-17)Online publication date: 23-May-2024
  • (2024)From Automation to User Empowerment: Investigating the Role of a Semi-automatic Tool in Social Media AccessibilityACM Transactions on Accessible Computing10.1145/364764317:3(1-25)Online publication date: 27-Sep-2024
  • (2023)How the Alt Text Gets Made: What Roles and Processes of Alt Text Creation Can Teach Us About Inclusive ImageryACM Transactions on Accessible Computing10.1145/358746916:2(1-28)Online publication date: 13-Jul-2023
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