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Dense dynamic blocks: optimizing SpMM for processors with vector and matrix units using machine learning techniques

Published: 28 June 2022 Publication History


Recent processors have been augmented with matrix-multiply units that operate on small matrices, creating a functional unit-rich environment. These units have been successfully employed on dense matrix operations such as those found in the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS). In this work, we exploit these new matrix-multiply facilities to speed up Sparse Matrix Dense Matrix Multiplications (SpMM) for highly sparse matrices.
SpMM is hard to optimize. The sparsity patterns lead to a highly irregular memory access behavior. Additionally, each sparse matrix has unique characteristics, making it hard to find a single SpMM strategy that works well for all sparse matrices. The addition of matrix-multiply units makes this even more challenging.
In this paper, we address these challenges. First, we design Dense Dynamic Blocks (DDB), a method to utilize the new matrix units. DDB has two specialized versions: DDB-MM and DDB-HYB. DDB-MM is a strategy that only utilizes the matrix-multiply facilities. DDB-HYB is a hybrid approach that maximizes the floating-point throughput by utilizing both vector and matrix units. Furthermore, we design a prediction mechanism for identifying the best SpMM strategy for a given sparse matrix and dense matrix pair: SpMM-OPT. SpMM-OPT selects among vector unit oriented, matrix unit oriented, and hybrid strategies for the highest floating-point throughput while taking cache optimizations into account.
We experiment with 440 matrices from the well-known SuiteSparse matrix collection on a POWER10 system with vector and matrix units. We show that DDB-MM and DDB-HYB can achieve a floating-point throughput of up to 1.1 and 2.5 TFLOPs/s on a POWER10 single-chip module for double- and single-precision SpMM, respectively. Our analysis also shows that SpMM-OPT effectively chooses the best SpMM strategy and can achieve an average speedup of up to 2X compared to an optimized CSR baseline.


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  1. Dense dynamic blocks: optimizing SpMM for processors with vector and matrix units using machine learning techniques



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