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Authorship Attribution in Bangla Literature (AABL) via Transfer Learning using ULMFiT

Online AM: 22 April 2022 Publication History


Authorship Attribution is the task of creating an appropriate characterization of text that captures the authors’ writing style to identify the original author of a given piece of text. With increased anonymity on the internet, this task has become increasingly crucial in various security and plagiarism detection fields. Despite significant advancements in other languages such as English, Spanish, and Chinese, Bangla lacks comprehensive research in this field due to its complex linguistic feature and sentence structure. Moreover, existing systems are not scalable with the increasing number of authors, and performance drops with the small number of samples per author. In this paper, we propose the use of Average-Stochastic Gradient Descent Weight-Dropped Long Short-Term Memory (AWD-LSTM) architecture and an effective transfer learning approach that addresses the problem of complex linguistic features extraction and scalability for authorship attribution in Bangla Literature (AABL). We analyze the effect of different tokenization, such as word, sub-word, and character level tokenization, and demonstrate the effectiveness of these tokenizations in the proposed model. Moreover, we introduce the publicly available Bangla Authorship Attribution Dataset of 16 authors (BAAD16) containing 17,966 sample texts and 13.4+ million words to solve the standard dataset scarcity problem and release six variations of pre-trained language models for use in any Bangla NLP downstream task. For evaluation, we used our developed BAAD16 dataset as well as other publicly available datasets. Empirically, our proposed model outperformed state-of-the-art models and achieved 99.8% accuracy in the BAAD16 dataset. Furthermore, we showed that the proposed system scales much better with the increasing number of authors, and performance remains steady even with few training samples.


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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Online AM: 22 April 2022
Accepted: 04 April 2022
Revised: 03 April 2022
Received: 31 October 2020

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  1. Authorship attribution
  2. Transfer Learning
  3. Language model
  5. Bangla


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