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Model-based support for authoring Design-based Learning and Maker Education materials in elementary education

Published: 17 June 2022 Publication History


Design-based Learning (DBL) and Maker Education (ME) are educational approaches that aim to equip students with 21st century skills. As they are not yet widely adopted in the Netherlands, Dutch teachers often develop their own teaching materials. However, these teachers might be unfamiliar with the intricacies of DBL and ME, and they may have trouble setting learning objectives related to the design process or assessing these objectives. In this paper, we explore how a blueprint for DBL and ME curriculum design, based on several curriculum design models, can support elementary school teachers with creating projects for their classroom. We report on the design and implementation of a workshop with three teachers. Based on observation data, workshop artifacts, and post-workshop interviews, we report insights in teachers’ experiences with creating design briefs, setting learning objectives, choosing learning and assessment activities, and further contextual needs related to the implementation of the designed project.


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Cited By

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  • (2024)Requirements and challenges for implementing Design-based learning in kindergarten—— A case study in ChinaProceedings of the Tenth International Symposium of Chinese CHI10.1145/3565698.3565766(15-26)Online publication date: 12-Feb-2024



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FabLearn Europe / MakeEd 2022: 6th FabLearn Europe / MakeEd Conference 2022
May 2022
117 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 17 June 2022


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  1. Constructive Alignment
  2. Design-based learning
  3. Elementary Education
  4. Maker Education
  5. Project Design
  6. Workshop


  • Research-article
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FabLearn Europe / MakeEd 2022

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Overall Acceptance Rate 14 of 35 submissions, 40%


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  • (2024)Requirements and challenges for implementing Design-based learning in kindergarten—— A case study in ChinaProceedings of the Tenth International Symposium of Chinese CHI10.1145/3565698.3565766(15-26)Online publication date: 12-Feb-2024

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