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Robust Preference-Guided Denoising for Graph based Social Recommendation

Published: 30 April 2023 Publication History
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  • Abstract

    Graph Neural Network (GNN) based social recommendation models improve the prediction accuracy of user preference by leveraging GNN in exploiting preference similarity contained in social relations. However, in terms of both effectiveness and efficiency of recommendation, a large portion of social relations can be redundant or even noisy, e.g., it is quite normal that friends share no preference in a certain domain. Existing models do not fully solve this problem of relation redundancy and noise, as they directly characterize social influence over the full social network. In this paper, we instead propose to improve graph based social recommendation by only retaining the informative social relations to ensure an efficient and effective influence diffusion, i.e., graph denoising. Our designed denoising method is preference-guided to model social relation confidence and benefits user preference learning in return by providing a denoised but more informative social graph for recommendation models. Moreover, to avoid interference of noisy social relations, it designs a self-correcting curriculum learning module and an adaptive denoising strategy, both favoring highly-confident samples. Experimental results on three public datasets demonstrate its consistent capability of improving three state-of-the-art social recommendation models by robustly removing 10-40% of original relations. We release the source code at https://github.com/tsinghua-fib-lab/Graph-Denoising-SocialRec.


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