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Recent Advances in LoRa: A Comprehensive Survey

Published: 29 November 2022 Publication History


The vast demand for diverse applications raises new networking challenges, which have encouraged the development of a new paradigm of Internet of Things (IoT), e.g., LoRa. LoRa is a proprietary spread spectrum modulation technique that provides a solution for long-range and ultra-low power-consumption transmission. Due to promising prospects of LoRa, significant effort has been made on this compelling technology since its emergence. In this article, we provide a comprehensive survey of LoRa from a systematic perspective: LoRa analysis, communication, security, and its enabled applications. First, we summarize works focusing on analyzing the performance of LoRa networks. Then, we review studies enhancing the performance of LoRa networks in communication. Afterward, we analyze the security vulnerabilities and countermeasures. Finally, we survey the various LoRa-enabled applications. We also present comparisons of existing methods, together with insightful observations and inspiring future research directions.


Khaled Q. Abdelfadeel, Victor Cionca, and Dirk Pesch. 2018. Fair adaptive data rate allocation and power control in LoRaWAN. In IEEE 19th International Symposium on “A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks” (WoWMoM). IEEE, 14–15.
Khaled Q. Abdelfadeel, Dimitrios Zorbas, Victor Cionca, and Dirk Pesch. 2019. \(FREE\)–fine-grained scheduling for reliable and energy-efficient data collection in LoRaWAN. IEEE Internet Things J. 7, 1 (2019), 669–683.
Cedric Adjih, Emmanuel Baccelli, Eric Fleury, Gaetan Harter, Nathalie Mitton, Thomas Noel, Roger Pissard-Gibollet, Frederic Saint-Marcel, Guillaume Schreiner, Julien Vandaele, et al. 2015. FIT IoT-LAB: A large scale open experimental IoT testbed. In IEEE 2nd World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT). IEEE, 459–464.
Amani Al-Shawabka, Philip Pietraski, Sudhir B. Pattar, Francesco Restuccia, and Tommaso Melodia. 2021. DeepLoRa: Fingerprinting LoRa devices at scale through deep learning and data augmentation. In 22nd International Symposium on Theory, Algorithmic Foundations, and Protocol Design for Mobile Networks and Mobile Computing. 251–260.
Licia Amichi, Megumi Kaneko, Ellen Hidemi Fukuda, Nancy El Rachkidy, and Alexandre Guitton. 2020. Joint allocation strategies of power and spreading factors with imperfect orthogonality in LoRa networks. IEEE Trans. Commun. 68, 6 (2020), 3750–3765.
Emekcan Aras, Gowri Sankar Ramachandran, Piers Lawrence, and Danny Hughes. 2017. Exploring the security vulnerabilities of LoRa. In 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics (CYBCONF). IEEE, 1–6.
Emekcan Aras, Nicolas Small, Gowri Sankar Ramachandran, Stéphane Delbruel, Wouter Joosen, and Danny Hughes. 2017. Selective jamming of LoRaWAN using commodity hardware. In 14th EAI International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services. 363–372.
Aloÿs Augustin, Jiazi Yi, Thomas Clausen, and William Mark Townsley. 2016. A study of LoRa: Long range & low power networks for the internet of things. Sensors 16, 9 (2016), 1466.
Artur Balanuta, Nuno Pereira, Swarun Kumar, and Anthony Rowe. 2020. A cloud-optimized link layer for low-power wide-area networks. In 18th International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services. 247–259.
Atul Bansal, Akshay Gadre, Vaibhav Singh, Anthony Rowe, Bob Iannucci, and Swarun Kumar. 2021. OwLL: Accurate LoRa localization using the TV whitespaces. In 20th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (Co-located with CPS-IoT Week’21). 148–162.
Luca Beltramelli, Aamir Mahmood, Patrik Österberg, Mikael Gidlund, Paolo Ferrari, and Emiliano Sisinni. 2021. Energy efficiency of slotted LoRaWAN communication with out-of-band synchronization. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Measur. 70 (2021), 1–11.
Giulio Maria Bianco, Romeo Giuliano, Gaetano Marrocco, Franco Mazzenga, and Abraham Mejia-Aguilar. 2020. LoRa system for search and rescue: Path-loss models and procedures in mountain scenarios. IEEE Internet Things J. 8, 3 (2020), 1985–1999.
Roberto Bomfin, Marwa Chafii, and Gerhard Fettweis. 2019. A novel modulation for IoT: PSK-LoRa. In IEEE 89th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC’19-Spring). IEEE, 1–5.
Martin Bor and Utz Roedig. 2017. LoRa transmission parameter selection. In 13th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS). IEEE, 27–34.
Martin C. Bor, Utz Roedig, Thiemo Voigt, and Juan M. Alonso. 2016. Do LoRa low-power wide-area networks scale? In 19th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems. 59–67.
Taoufik Bouguera, Jean-François Diouris, Jean-Jacques Chaillout, Randa Jaouadi, and Guillaume Andrieux. 2018. Energy consumption model for sensor nodes based on LoRa and LoRaWAN. Sensors 18, 7 (2018), 2104.
Ismail Butun, Nuno Pereira, and Mikael Gidlund. 2018. Analysis of LoRaWAN v1. 1 security. In 4th ACM MobiHoc Workshop on Experiences with the Design and Implementation of Smart Objects. 1–6.
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Antonio Caruso, Stefano Chessa, Soledad Escolar, Jesús Barba, and Juan Carlos López. 2021. Collection of data with drones in precision agriculture: Analytical model and LoRa case study. IEEE Internet Things J. 8, 22 (2021), 16692–16704.
Lluís Casals, Bernat Mir, Rafael Vidal, and Carles Gomez. 2017. Modeling the energy performance of LoRaWAN. Sensors 17, 10 (2017), 2364.
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Marco Centenaro, Lorenzo Vangelista, Andrea Zanella, and Michele Zorzi. 2016. Long-range communications in unlicensed bands: The rising stars in the IoT and smart city scenarios. IEEE Wirel. Commun. 23, 5 (2016), 60–67.
Gonglong Chen, Wei Dong, and Jiamei Lv. 2021. LoFi: Enabling 2.4 GHz LoRa and WiFi coexistence by detecting extremely weak signals. In IEEE Conference on Computer Communications. IEEE, 1–10.
Lili Chen, Jie Xiong, Xiaojiang Chen, Sunghoon Ivan Lee, Kai Chen, Dianhe Han, Dingyi Fang, Zhanyong Tang, and Zheng Wang. 2019. WideSee: Towards wide-area contactless wireless sensing. In 17th Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems. 258–270.
Po-Yu Chen, Laksh Bhatia, Roman Kolcun, David Boyle, and Julie A. McCann. 2020. Contact-aware opportunistic data forwarding in disconnected LoRaWAN mobile networks. In IEEE 40th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS). IEEE, 574–583.
Qian Chen and Jiliang Wang. 2021. AlignTrack: Push the limit of LoRa collision decoding. In IEEE 29th International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP). IEEE, 1–11.
Marco Chiani and Ahmed Elzanaty. 2019. On the LoRa modulation for IoT: Waveform properties and spectral analysis. IEEE Internet Things J. 6, 5 (2019), 8463–8470.
Kwon Nung Choi, Harini Kolamunna, Akila Uyanwatta, Kanchana Thilakarathna, Suranga Seneviratne, Ralph Holz, Mahbub Hassan, and Albert Y. Zomaya. 2020. LoRadar: LoRa sensor network monitoring through passive packet sniffing. ACM SIGCOMM Comput. Commun. Rev. 50, 4 (2020), 10–24.
Jeferson Rodrigues Cotrim and João Henrique Kleinschmidt. 2020. LoRaWAN mesh networks: A review and classification of multihop communication. Sensors 20, 15 (2020), 4273.
Daniele Croce, Michele Gucciardo, Stefano Mangione, Giuseppe Santaromita, and Ilenia Tinnirello. 2018. Impact of LoRa imperfect orthogonality: Analysis of link-level performance. IEEE Commun. Lett. 22, 4 (2018), 796–799.
Francesca Cuomo, Manuel Campo, Alberto Caponi, Giuseppe Bianchi, Giampaolo Rossini, and Patrizio Pisani. 2017. EXPLoRa: Extending the performance of LoRa by suitable spreading factor allocations. In IEEE 13th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob). IEEE, 1–8.
Jéssika C. da Silva, Daniel de L. Flor, Vicente Angelo de Sousa Junior, Níbia Souza Bezerra, and Alvaro A. M. de Medeiros. 2021. A survey of LoRaWAN simulation tools in ns-3. J. Commun. Inf. Syst. 36, 1 (2021), 17–30.
Syed Muhammad Danish, Arfa Nasir, Hassaan Khaliq Qureshi, Ayesha Binte Ashfaq, Shahid Mumtaz, and Jonathan Rodriguez. 2018. Network intrusion detection system for jamming attack in LoRaWAN join procedure. In IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). IEEE, 1–6.
Mauricio de Castro Tomé, Pedro H. J. Nardelli, and Hirley Alves. 2018. Long-range low-power wireless networks and sampling strategies in electricity metering. IEEE Trans. Industr. Electron. 66, 2 (2018), 1629–1637.
Anthony S. Deese, Joe Jesson, Thomas Brennan, Steven Hollain, Patrick Stefanacci, Emily Driscoll, Connor Dick, Keith Garcia, Ryan Mosher, Brian Rentsch, et al. 2020. Long-term monitoring of smart city assets via Internet of Things and low-power wide-area networks. IEEE Internet Things J. 8, 1 (2020), 222–231.
Carmen Delgado, José María Sanz, Chris Blondia, and Jeroen Famaey. 2020. Batteryless LoRaWAN communications using energy harvesting: Modeling and characterization. IEEE Internet Things J. 8, 4 (2020), 2694–2711.
Silvia Demetri, Marco Zúñiga, Gian Pietro Picco, Fernando Kuipers, Lorenzo Bruzzone, and Thomas Telkamp. 2019. Automated estimation of link quality for LoRa: A remote sensing approach. In 18th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN). IEEE, 145–156.
Adwait Dongare, Craig Hesling, Khushboo Bhatia, Artur Balanuta, Ricardo Lopes Pereira, Bob Iannucci, and Anthony Rowe. 2017. OpenChirp: A low-power wide-area networking architecture. In IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops). IEEE, 569–574.
Adwait Dongare, Revathy Narayanan, Akshay Gadre, Anh Luong, Artur Balanuta, Swarun Kumar, Bob Iannucci, and Anthony Rowe. 2018. Charm: Exploiting geographical diversity through coherent combining in low-power wide-area networks. In 17th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN). IEEE, 60–71.
Rida El Chall, Samer Lahoud, and Melhem El Helou. 2019. LoRaWAN network: Radio propagation models and performance evaluation in various environments in Lebanon. IEEE Internet Things J. 6, 2 (2019), 2366–2378.
Rashad Eletreby, Diana Zhang, Swarun Kumar, and Osman Yağan. 2017. Empowering low-power wide area networks in urban settings. In Conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication. 309–321.
Tallal Elshabrawy and Joerg Robert. 2019. Interleaved chirp spreading LoRa-based modulation. IEEE Internet Things J. 6, 2 (2019), 3855–3863.
Sezana Fahmida, Venkata P. Modekurthy, Mahbubur Rahman, Abusayeed Saifullah, and Marco Brocanelli. 2020. Long-lived LoRa: Prolonging the lifetime of a LoRa network. In IEEE 28th International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP). IEEE, 1–12.
Luca Feltrin, Chiara Buratti, Enrico Vinciarelli, Roberto De Bonis, and Roberto Verdone. 2018. LoRaWAN: Evaluation of link-and system-level performance. IEEE Internet Things J. 5, 3 (2018), 2249–2258.
Joseph Finnegan, Ronan Farrell, and Stephen Brown. 2020. Analysis and enhancement of the LoRaWAN adaptive data rate scheme. IEEE Internet Things J. 7, 8 (2020), 7171–7180.
Joseph Finnegan, Kyriaki Niotaki, and Stephen Brown. 2020. Exploring the boundaries of ambient RF energy harvesting with LoRaWAN. IEEE Internet Things J. 8, 7 (2020), 5736–5743.
Akshay Gadre, Revathy Narayanan, Anh Luong, Anthony Rowe, Bob Iannucci, and Swarun Kumar. 2020. Frequency configuration for low-power wide-area networks in a heartbeat. In 17th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 20). 339–352.
Akshay Gadre, Fan Yi, Anthony Rowe, Bob Iannucci, and Swarun Kumar. 2020. Quick (and dirty) aggregate queries on low-power WANs. In 19th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN). IEEE, 277–288.
Amalinda Gamage, Jansen Christian Liando, Chaojie Gu, Rui Tan, and Mo Li. 2020. LMAC: Efficient carrier-sense multiple access for LoRa. In 26th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking. 1–13.
Jiayao Gao, Weitao Xu, Salil Kanhere, Sanjay Jha, Jun Young Kim, Walter Huang, and Wen Hu. 2021. A novel model-based security scheme for LoRa key generation. In 20th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (co-located with CPS-IoT Week’21). 47–61.
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Weifeng Gao, Wan Du, Zhiwei Zhao, Geyong Min, and Mukesh Singhal. 2019. Towards energy-fairness in LoRa networks. In IEEE 39th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS). IEEE, 788–798.
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Panagiotis Gkotsiopoulos, Dimitrios Zorbas, and Christos Douligeris. 2021. Performance determinants in LoRa networks: A literature review. IEEE Commun. Surv. Tutor. 23, 3 (2021), 1721–1758.
Chaojie Gu, Linshan Jiang, Rui Tan, Mo Li, and Jun Huang. 2021. Attack-aware synchronization-free data timestamping in LoRaWAN. ACM Trans. Sensor Netw. 18, 1 (2021), 1–31.
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  • (2025)LoRa Communication for Agriculture 4.0: Opportunities, Challenges, and Future DirectionsIEEE Internet of Things Journal10.1109/JIOT.2024.348636912:2(1380-1407)Online publication date: 15-Jan-2025
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  1. Recent Advances in LoRa: A Comprehensive Survey



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      cover image ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks
      ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks  Volume 18, Issue 4
      November 2022
      619 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

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      Publication History

      Published: 29 November 2022
      Online AM: 16 June 2022
      Accepted: 05 June 2022
      Revised: 17 May 2022
      Received: 24 February 2022
      Published in TOSN Volume 18, Issue 4


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      1. LoRa
      2. Analysis
      3. Communication
      4. Security
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      • Survey
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      • NSFC
      • Shenzhen Research Institute, City University of Hong Kong
      • Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China
      • Shenzhen Science and Technology Funding Fundamental Research Program
      • NSF of Shandong Province
      • International and Regional Science and Technology Cooperation Program
      • Chow Sang Sang Group Research Fund sponsored by Chow Sang Sang Holdings International Limited
      • CityU MFPRC
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      • (2025)The internet of battle things: a survey on communication challenges and recent solutionsDiscover Internet of Things10.1007/s43926-025-00093-w5:1Online publication date: 10-Jan-2025
      • (2024)A Comprehensive Survey on Deep Learning-Based LoRa Radio Frequency Fingerprinting IdentificationSensors10.3390/s2413441124:13(4411)Online publication date: 8-Jul-2024
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