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DeepSportradar-v1: Computer Vision Dataset for Sports Understanding with High Quality Annotations

Published: 10 October 2022 Publication History


With the recent development of Deep Learning applied to Computer Vision, sport video understanding has gained a lot of attention, providing much richer information for both sport consumers and leagues. This paper introduces DeepSportradar-v1, a suite of computer vision tasks, datasets and benchmarks for automated sport understanding. The main purpose of this framework is to close the gap between academic research and real world settings. To this end, the datasets provide high-resolution raw images, camera parameters and high quality annotations. DeepSportradar currently supports four challenging tasks related to basketball: ball 3D localization, camera calibration, player instance segmentation and player re-identification. For each of the four tasks, a detailed description of the dataset, objective, performance metrics, and the proposed baseline method are provided. To encourage further research on advanced methods for sport understanding, a competition is organized as part of the MMSports workshop from the ACM Multimedia 2022 conference, where participants have to develop state-of-the-art methods to solve the above tasks. The four datasets, development kits and baselines are publicly available.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (DeepSportradar-v1.mp4)
This video presents our paper Deepsportradar v1 Computer vision dataset for sports understanding with high quality annotations. Our aim is to close the gap between CV models and real applications for sports. Despite recent advancements in CV and DL; DL still depends on the quantity of data but also on the quality of the annotations. For sports the SoccerNet datasets that have received increasing attention for the amount of data provided. However it considers only soccer and the annotations are created on broadcasted videos. This paper introduces: two datasets for basketbal; four CV tasks: Ball 3D localization; Camera calibration; Player instance segmentation; Player re-identification; a toolkit on GitHub containing data, annotations and metrics; and a baseline for each task. The aim of this contribution was to provide an high quality sport dataset framework where images, camera parameters and annotations are available and built close to the actual game recordings.


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cover image ACM Conferences
MMSports '22: Proceedings of the 5th International ACM Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports
October 2022
152 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 10 October 2022


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  1. ball 3d localization
  2. basketball
  3. camera calibration
  4. challenge
  5. competition
  6. computer vision
  7. dataset
  8. deep learning
  9. image understanding
  10. instance segmentation
  11. person re-identification
  12. reid
  13. sports


  • Research-article


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