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EmoSparkle: Tangible Prototype to Convey Visual Expressions for Visually Impaired Individuals in Real-time Conversations

Published: 12 February 2024 Publication History


Non-verbal expression plays an important role in social communication. Visually impaired people may feel embarrassed because they have limited access to such information. In this article, we proposed EmoSparkle, a prototype system that converts facial expressions into tangible feedback in real time. Our system included a real-time facial expression recognition algorithm as well as a haptic user interface that conveyed recognized expressions via tactile feedback. We proposed a strategy for mapping expressions to tactile feedback. A pilot study was conducted with 6 visually impaired participants to derive our design requirements before we designed EmoSparkle. To evaluate the prototype system, a user study with 16 visually impaired participants was conducted, which included a pre-study interview, a usability test, and a semi-structured interview. Our system performed well in terms of learnability and usability according to the results. Results also revealed the potential of our system to elicit emotional resonance as well as the possible design space of emotional auxiliary devices.


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Chinese CHI '22: Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium of Chinese CHI
October 2022
342 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 12 February 2024

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  1. expression-to-tactile mapping
  2. facial expression recognition
  3. tangible emotional feedback
  4. visually impaired individual


  • Research-article
  • Research
  • Refereed limited

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Chinese CHI 2022
Chinese CHI 2022: The Tenth International Symposium of Chinese CHI
October 22 - 23, 2022
Guangzhou, China and Online, China

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