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Semi-automated Analysis of Collaborative Interaction: Are We There Yet?

Published: 14 November 2022 Publication History


In recent years, research on collaborative interaction has relied on manual coding of rich audio/video recordings. The fine-grained analysis of such material is extremely time-consuming and labor-intensive. This is not only difficult to scale, but, as a result, might also limit the quality and completeness of coding due to fatigue, inherent human biases, (accidental or intentional), and inter-rater inconsistencies. In this paper, we explore how recent advances in machine learning may reduce manual effort and loss of information while retaining the value of human intelligence in the coding process. We present ACACIA (AI Chain for Augmented Collaborative Interaction Analysis), an AI video data analysis application which combines a range of advances in machine perception of video material for the analysis of collaborative interaction. We evaluate ACACIA's abilities, show how far we can already get, and which challenges remain. Our contribution lies in establishing a combined machine and human analysis pipeline that may be generalized to different collaborative settings and guide future research.

Supplementary Material

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Supplemental video and captions file.
Teaser (iss22main-id9934-p-teaser.mp4)
Supplemental video and captions file.


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Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction  Volume 6, Issue ISS
December 2022
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 14 November 2022
Published in PACMHCI Volume 6, Issue ISS


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  1. artificial intelligence
  2. collaboration analysis
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  5. observational data


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