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GC-Loc: A Graph Attention Based Framework for Collaborative Indoor Localization Using Infrastructure-free Signals

Published: 11 January 2023 Publication History


Indoor localization techniques play a fundamental role in empowering plenty of indoor location-based services (LBS) and exhibit great social and commercial values. The widespread fingerprint-based indoor localization methods usually suffer from the low feature discriminability with discrete signal fingerprint or high time overhead for continuous signal fingerprint collection. To address this, we introduce the collaboration mechanism and propose a graph attention based collaborative indoor localization framework, termed GC-Loc, which provides another perspective for efficient indoor localization. GC-Loc utilizes multiple discrete signal fingerprints collected by several users as input for collaborative localization. Specifically, we first construct an adaptive graph representation to efficiently model the relationships among the collaborative fingerprints. Then taking state-of-the-art GAT model as basic unit, we design a deep network with the residual structure and the hierarchical attention mechanism to extract and aggregate the features from the constructed graph for collaborative localization. Finally, we further employ ensemble learning mechanism in GC-Loc and devise a location refinement strategy based on model consensus for enhancing the robustness of GC-Loc. We have conducted extensive experiments in three different trial sites, and the experimental results demonstrate the superiority of GC-Loc, outperforming the comparison schemes by a wide margin (reducing the mean localization error by more than 42%).


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    Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies  Volume 6, Issue 4
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    Published in IMWUT Volume 6, Issue 4


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    1. Collaborative Indoor Localization
    2. Geomagnetism
    3. Graph Neural Network


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