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A Review of International Models of Computer Science Teacher Education

Published: 29 December 2022 Publication History


Throughout the world, Computer Science Education (CSE) has ex- panded exponentially over the past decade, focused on teaching primary and secondary students computing ideas and tools. To teach all these students computer science (CS), models for teacher preparation range from one and done professional learning work- shops to full certificate and licensure programs. This report provides a landscape of how CS teachers are prepared academically in var- ious countries and makes evidence-based recommendations for how teachers should be educated to develop knowledge and skill to teach computer science. It also discusses how to develop these knowledge systems while promoting instruction that is equitable and centers students in the classroom. We brought together a group of international computer science education scholars who have been engaged in teacher preparation. In addition to what knowl- edge teachers need to teach CS, we also focused on how the field is preparing teachers and the role of computer science in the design of technology tools to achieve goals while mitigating potential societal harms.


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