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HDM: Heat Diffusion Mesh for Mesh Representation

Published: 06 March 2023 Publication History


The applications of 3D mesh, such as computer vision, molecular biology, and medical imaging, have received sufficient attention recently. Polygonal meshes are a significant raw representation of 3D shapes thanks to their compactness and flexibility. Though extensive research efforts are concentrating on how to represent 3D shapes well based on voxels and point clouds, there is little effort on meshes due to their irregularity. To tackle the challenge, we propose a new mesh representation called Heat Diffusion Mesh (HDM) in this paper. It represents meshes that are in non-Euclidean domains as a space-time signal by heat diffusion. Experiments of mesh classification and segmentation show the effectiveness of the proposed mesh representation.


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Index Terms

  1. HDM: Heat Diffusion Mesh for Mesh Representation



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    Published: 06 March 2023


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