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Hierarchical Invariant Learning for Domain Generalization Recommendation

Published: 04 August 2023 Publication History


Most cross-domain recommenders require samples on target domains or source-target overlaps to carry out domain adaptation. However, in many real-world situations, target domains are lack of such knowledge. Few works discuss this problem, whose essence is domain generalization recommendation. In this paper, we figure out domain generalization recommendation with a clear symbolized definition and propose corresponding models. Moreover, we illustrate its strong connection with zero-shot recommendation, pretrained recommendation and cold-start recommendation, distinguishing it from content-based recommendation. By analyzing its properties, we propose HIRL^+ and a series of heuristic methods to solve this problem. We propose hierarchical invariant learning to expel the specific patterns in both domain-level and environment-level, and find the common patterns in generalization space. To make the division of environments flexible, fine-grained and balanced, we put forward a learnable environment assignment method. To improve the robustness against distribution shifts inside domain generalization, we present an adversarial environment refinement method. In addition, we conduct experiments on real-word datasets to verify the effectiveness of our models, and carry out further studies on the domain distance and domain diversity. To benefit the research community and promote this direction, we discuss the future of this field.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (rtfp0049-2min-promo.mp4)
The promotional video of our work ?Hierarchical Invariant Learning for Domain Generalization Recommendation? that has been accepted by KDD this year. Most cross-domain recommenders require samples on target domains or source-target overlaps to carry out domain adaptation. However, in many real-world situations, target domains are lack of such knowledge. There aren?t any user or item overlaps between the source domains and the target domain. And for the target domain, no information is available during training process and no interaction is available when inferencing. We define this novel task as domain generalization recommendation. We propose a new model called Hierarchical Invariant Learning plus (HIRL+), which can greatly resolve many challenges in this problem. The domain generalization recommendation is closely related to pretrained, zero-shot and cold-start recommendation, and we are looking forward to further discussions.
MP4 File (rtfp0049-20min-video.mp4)
The presentation video of our work ?Hierarchical Invariant Learning for Domain Generalization Recommendation? that has been accepted by KDD this year. Most cross-domain recommenders require samples on target domains or source-target overlaps to carry out domain adaptation. However, in many real-world situations, target domains are lack of such knowledge. There aren?t any user or item overlaps between the source domains and the target domain. And for the target domain, no information is available during training process and no interaction is available when inferencing. We define this novel task as domain generalization recommendation. We propose a new model called Hierarchical Invariant Learning plus (HIRL+), which can greatly resolve many challenges in this problem. The domain generalization recommendation is closely related to pretrained, zero-shot and cold-start recommendation, and we are looking forward to further discussions.


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  1. Hierarchical Invariant Learning for Domain Generalization Recommendation



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    KDD '23: Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
    August 2023
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    Published: 04 August 2023


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    1. adversarial learning
    2. domain generalization
    3. invariant learning
    4. recommendation systems


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    • Beijing Outstanding Young Scientist Program
    • National Natural Science Foundation of China


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