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Recognizing Unseen Objects via Multimodal Intensive Knowledge Graph Propagation

Published: 04 August 2023 Publication History
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  • Abstract

    Zero-Shot Learning (ZSL), which aims at automatically recognizing unseen objects, is a promising learning paradigm to understand new real-world knowledge for machines continuously. Recently, the Knowledge Graph (KG) has been proven as an effective scheme for handling the zero-shot task with large-scale and non-attribute data. Prior studies always embed relationships of seen and unseen objects into visual information from existing knowledge graphs to promote the cognitive ability of the unseen data. Actually, real-world knowledge is naturally formed by multimodal facts. Compared with ordinary structural knowledge from a graph perspective, multimodal KG can provide cognitive systems with fine-grained knowledge. For example, the text description and visual content can depict more critical details of a fact than only depending on knowledge triplets. Unfortunately, this multimodal fine-grained knowledge is largely unexploited due to the bottleneck of feature alignment between different modalities. To that end, we propose a multimodal intensive ZSL framework that matches regions of images with corresponding semantic embeddings via a designed dense attention module and self-calibration loss. It makes the semantic transfer process of our ZSL framework learns more differentiated knowledge between entities. Our model also gets rid of the performance limitation of only using rough global features. We conduct extensive experiments and evaluate our model on large-scale real-world data. The experimental results clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model in standard zero-shot classification tasks.

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    KDD '23: Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
    August 2023
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    Published: 04 August 2023


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    1. graph neural networks
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