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Concepts and criteria to assess acceptability of simulation studies: a frame of reference

Published: 01 April 1981 Publication History
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    1. Concepts and criteria to assess acceptability of simulation studies: a frame of reference



      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image Communications of the ACM
      Communications of the ACM  Volume 24, Issue 4
      Special issue on simulation modeling and statistical computing
      April 1981
      102 pages
      Issue’s Table of Contents
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 01 April 1981
      Published in CACM Volume 24, Issue 4


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      Author Tags

      1. assessment of simulation studies
      2. code verification
      3. figure of merit
      4. model calibration
      5. model certification
      6. model fitting
      7. model robustness
      8. model validation
      9. program efficiency
      10. program referability
      11. software certification
      12. software reliability
      13. software robustness


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