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LightRW: FPGA Accelerated Graph Dynamic Random Walks

Published: 30 May 2023 Publication History


Graph dynamic random walks (GDRWs) have recently emerged as a powerful paradigm for graph analytics and learning applications, including graph embedding and graph neural networks. Despite the fact that many existing studies optimize the performance of GDRWs on multi-core CPUs, massive random memory accesses and costly synchronizations cause severe resource underutilization, and the processing of GDRWs is usually the key performance bottleneck in many graph applications. This paper studies an alternative architecture, FPGA, to address these issues in GDRWs, as FPGA has the ability of hardware customization so that we are able to explore fine-grained pipeline execution and specialized memory access optimizations. Specifically, we propose LightRW, a novel FPGA-based accelerator for GDRWs. LightRW embraces a series of optimizations to enable fine-grained pipeline execution on the chip and to exploit the massive parallelism of FPGA while significantly reducing memory accesses. As current commonly used sampling methods in GDRWs do not efficiently support fine-grained pipeline execution, we develop a parallelized reservoir sampling method to sample multiple vertices per cycle for efficient pipeline execution. To address the random memory access issues, we propose a degree-aware configurable caching method that buffers hot vertices on-chip to alleviate random memory accesses and a dynamic burst access engine that efficiently retrieves neighbors. Experimental results show that our optimization techniques are able to improve the performance of GDRWs on FPGA significantly. Moreover, LightRW delivers up to 9.55x and 9.10x speedup over the state-of-the-art CPU-based MetaPath and Node2vec random walks, respectively. This work is open-sourced on GitHub at https://github.com/Xtra-Computing/LightRW.

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This video presents LightRW, our recent FPGA-based accelerator solution for Graph dynamic random walks (GDRWs), which have become a powerful paradigm for graph analytics and learning applications. While many existing studies optimize GDRW performance on multi-core CPUs, resource underutilization is caused by massive random memory accesses and costly synchronizations. LightRW incorporates a series of optimizations that enable fine-grained pipeline execution on the chip and exploit FPGA's massive parallelism while significantly reducing memory accesses. We have developed a parallelized reservoir sampling method that samples multiple vertices per cycle with high throughput. Additionally, we propose a degree-aware configurable cache to buffer hot vertices on-chip for data reuse and a dynamic burst access engine to efficiently retrieve neighbors. Experimental results demonstrate that LightRW significantly improves GDRW performance.
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cover image Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data
Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data  Volume 1, Issue 1
May 2023
2807 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 30 May 2023
Published in PACMMOD Volume 1, Issue 1


Author Tags

  1. FPGA accelerator
  2. parallel weighted reservoir sampling
  3. random walk on graphs


  • Research-article

Funding Sources

  • AI Singapore Programme
  • Google South \& Southeast Asia Research Award 2022
  • AMD Heterogeneous Accelerated Compute Clusters (HACC) program
  • Ministry of Education AcRF Tier 2 grant


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