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MalCertain: Enhancing Deep Neural Network Based Android Malware Detection by Tackling Prediction Uncertainty

Published: 12 April 2024 Publication History
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  • Abstract

    The long-lasting Android malware threat has attracted significant research efforts in malware detection. In particular, by modeling malware detection as a classification problem, machine learning based approaches, especially deep neural network (DNN) based approaches, are increasingly being used for Android malware detection and have achieved significant improvements over other detection approaches such as signature-based approaches. However, as Android malware evolve rapidly and the presence of adversarial samples, DNN models trained on early constructed samples often yield poor decisions when used to detect newly emerging samples. Fundamentally, this phenomenon can be summarized as the uncertainly in the data (noise or randomness) and the weakness in the training process (insufficient training data). Overlooking these uncertainties poses risks in the model predictions. In this paper, we take the first step to estimate the prediction uncertainty of DNN models in malware detection and leverage these estimates to enhance Android malware detection techniques. Specifically, besides training a DNN model to predict malware, we employ several uncertainty estimation methods to train a Correction Model that determines whether a sample is correctly or incorrectly predicted by the DNN model. We then leverage the estimated uncertainty output by the Correction Model to correct the prediction results, improving the accuracy of the DNN model. Experimental results show that our proposed MalCertain effectively improves the accuracy of the underlying DNN models for Android malware detection by around 21% and significantly improves the detection effectiveness of adversarial Android malware samples by up to 94.38%. Our research sheds light on the promising direction that leverages prediction uncertainty to improve prediction-based software engineering tasks.


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    1. MalCertain: Enhancing Deep Neural Network Based Android Malware Detection by Tackling Prediction Uncertainty



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