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Multi-Modal Financial Time-Series Retrieval Through Latent Space Projections

Published: 25 November 2023 Publication History


Financial firms commonly process and store billions of time-series data, generated continuously and at a high frequency. To support efficient data storage and retrieval, specialized time-series databases and systems have emerged. These databases support indexing and querying of time-series by a constrained Structured Query Language(SQL)-like format to enable queries like "Stocks with monthly price returns greater than 5%", and expressed in rigid formats. However, such queries do not capture the intrinsic complexity of high dimensional time-series data, which can often be better described by images or language (e.g., "A stock in low volatility regime"). Moreover, the required storage, computational time, and retrieval complexity to search in the time-series space are often non-trivial. In this paper, we propose and demonstrate a framework to store multi-modal data for financial time-series in a lower-dimensional latent space using deep encoders, such that the latent space projections capture not only the time series trends but also other desirable information or properties of the financial time-series data (such as price volatility). Moreover, our approach allows user-friendly query interfaces, enabling natural language text or sketches of time-series, for which we have developed intuitive interfaces. We demonstrate the advantages of our method in terms of computational efficiency and accuracy on real historical data as well as synthetic data, and highlight the utility of latent-space projections in the storage and retrieval of financial time-series data with intuitive query modalities.


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        ICAIF '23: Proceedings of the Fourth ACM International Conference on AI in Finance
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        Published: 25 November 2023


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        • (2025)LLM-infused bi-level semantic enhancement for corporate credit risk predictionInformation Processing & Management10.1016/j.ipm.2025.10409162:4(104091)Online publication date: Jul-2025
        • (2024)Avaliando a Performance de SGBDs na Inserção e Consulta de Dados de Séries TemporaisAnais da XIX Escola Regional de Banco de Dados (ERBD 2024)10.5753/erbd.2024.238695(170-173)Online publication date: 18-May-2024
        • (2024)Anomaly Detection Scheme Using Global and Local Features in Time Series Data2024 15th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC)10.1109/ICTC62082.2024.10827487(1997-1998)Online publication date: 16-Oct-2024

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