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10.1145/3604571.3604580acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication Pagesasian-chiConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Towards a Co-creative System for Creating, Suggesting, and Assessing Material Textures for 3D Renderings During Design Reviews in Industrial Design

Published: 03 October 2023 Publication History


Material selection is an important task in industrial design as they affect several aspects of a product including its sensory characteristics and feasibility. This paper presents an early iteration of a co-creative system that uses generative AI to change, suggest, and provide feedback on a 3D rendering’s materials. The system is aimed to be used during design review sessions to assist designers in quickly exploring alternatives, and converging on suitable materials before construction. We first interviewed industrial designers on how they assess materials in various deliverables (e.g., sketches, and 3D renderings) during design review sessions. Based on our findings, we then develop a prototype of the co-creative system for generating, suggesting, and providing feedback on a 3D rendering’s material textures. We believe that using this system can assist designers in not only creating textures for their 3D renderings but also in providing material-aware feedback to create the product feasibly.


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  • (2024)Integrating AIGC with design: dependence, application, and evolution - a systematic literature reviewJournal of Engineering Design10.1080/09544828.2024.2362587(1-39)Online publication date: 6-Jun-2024

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  1. Towards a Co-creative System for Creating, Suggesting, and Assessing Material Textures for 3D Renderings During Design Reviews in Industrial Design



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        Asian CHI '23: Proceedings of the Asian HCI Symposium 2023
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        Published: 03 October 2023


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        1. generative AI
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        3. texture transfer


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        Asian CHI 2023
        Asian CHI 2023: Asian CHI Symposium 2023
        April 28, 2023
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        • (2024)Integrating AIGC with design: dependence, application, and evolution - a systematic literature reviewJournal of Engineering Design10.1080/09544828.2024.2362587(1-39)Online publication date: 6-Jun-2024

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