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10.1145/3607199.3607209acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesraidConference Proceedingsconference-collections

SigA: rPPG-based Authentication for Virtual Reality Head-mounted Display

Published: 16 October 2023 Publication History


Consumer-grade virtual reality head-mounted displays (VR-HMD) are becoming increasingly popular. Despite VR’s convenience and booming applications, VR-based authentication schemes are underdeveloped. The recently proposed authentication methods (Electrooculogram based, Electrical Muscle Stimulation-based, and alike) require active user involvement, disturbing many scenarios like drone flight and telemedicine. This paper proposes an effective and efficient user authentication method in VR environments resilient to impersonation attacks using physiological signals — Photoplethysmogram (PPG), namely SigA. SigA exploits the advantage that PPG is a physiological signal invisible to the naked eye. Using VR-HMDs to cover the eye area completely, SigA reduces the risk of signal leakage during PPG acquisition. We conducted a comprehensive analysis of SigA’s feasibility on five publicly available datasets, nine different pre-trained models, three facial regions, various lengths of the video clips required for training, four different signal time intervals, and continuous authentication with different sliding window sizes. The results demonstrate that SigA achieves more than 95% of the average F1-score in a one-second signal to accommodate a complete cardiac cycle for most adults, implying its applicability in real-world scenarios. Furthermore, experiments have shown that SigA is resistant to zero-effort attacks, statistical attacks, impersonation attacks (with a detection accuracy of over 95%) and session hijacking attacks.


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Cited By

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  • (2024)Non-Contact Vision-Based Techniques of Vital Sign Monitoring: Systematic ReviewSensors10.3390/s2412396324:12(3963)Online publication date: 19-Jun-2024
  • (2024)Camera-based physiological measurementNeurocomputing10.1016/j.neucom.2024.127282575:COnline publication date: 16-May-2024

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  1. SigA: rPPG-based Authentication for Virtual Reality Head-mounted Display



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      RAID '23: Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses
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      1. Biometric Authentication
      2. Head-mounted Display
      3. Photoplethysmography
      4. Physiological Signal
      5. Virtual Reality


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      • (2024)Non-Contact Vision-Based Techniques of Vital Sign Monitoring: Systematic ReviewSensors10.3390/s2412396324:12(3963)Online publication date: 19-Jun-2024
      • (2024)Camera-based physiological measurementNeurocomputing10.1016/j.neucom.2024.127282575:COnline publication date: 16-May-2024

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