The process of experimental verification is described in this section using AI visualization process where the outcomes are validated using different multimedia data set representation. At the initial case the number of servers that are distributed for multimedia operation changes if large network size is present. However, the real time experimentation is carried out using a low number of multimedia data, therefore the time period of execution is also reduced. Further, four different parametric matrixes are chosen as the entire data structure is different from standard structure and in addition the channel noise will be completely avoided in the system if parametric values are changed for multimedia records. Moreover, an approximation function is defined with absolute parametric values that provide additional advantage in case of outcome evaluation. The hardware setup of visualization is arranged in such a way that error functions are observed and removed from the system. Once the errors are removed then it is much easier to set up the simulation path with individual weight matrix functions. Hence, four variables are chosen for defining the input data weights but in the proposed method waiting time of each input weights are also defined in a unique way unlike other data representations. Additionally, the outcomes that are simulated must be visualized in real time with comparison metrics therefore MATLAB representations are chosen for multimedia data. In order to observe the outcomes in a unique way five scenarios are considered according to the defined analytical model as follows,
5.1 Discussions
All the above-mentioned scenarios are performed in a unique way using multimedia data loop representations and the degree of replications are used for choosing uncertainties in input data. Hence, as a result all errors are reduced at the input stage itself thus making clear information to all users about the type of information that needs to be sent to another device either in the same or different areas. The detailed description of all scenarios is as follows:
Scenario 1. If a multimedia system is represented with more amounts of data in the form of voice signals or even with text signatures, then there is a possibility that jitter will occur in corresponding multimedia signals and it must be minimized. In the proposed method jitter is measured in terms of delay that represents the lag in time period for making the data to reach the receiver. Moreover, the above-mentioned delay factor is present due to two major reasons where the entire network faces a common delay in transmitting a multimedia data. In the second case the delay occurs only in the visualization outputs thus making all input data to result in failure case. Therefore, total jitter values are measured by summing up individual delay at visualization stage and total delay in the network. One of the most common ways to reduce delay in the network is to incorporate a system that process multimedia data using separate channels and in this way there will be a high possibility that all data will be transmitted at appropriate time periods. Figure
3 provides simulated outcome of delay periods.
3 and Table
2 provide a simulation model where five different multimedia data are transmitted and during this transmission period the ensuing visualization delays such as 1.14, 1.19, 1.25, 1.3 and 1.37 is maintained. In addition, individual delays in the network are observed to be 0.7, 0.8, 1, 1.07 and 1.1, respectively, and all the delays are taken at medium level amount in proposed system. By using the above-mentioned delay values a comparison case is examined and represented in terms of jitter. During comparison case it is observed that proposed method provides very low jitter values as compared to the existing method [
6]. This can be verified with visualization delay of 1.37 seconds with total delay of 1.1 seconds and during this delay periods the amount of jitter in the proposed method is 13% whereas the percentage of jitter for existing case remains at 36%.
Scenario 2. The multimedia data systems are represented using a certain degree in order to distinguish it from standard signal representations. However, the degree of realization depends on the type of data that is transmitted in the system. In case if a speech signal is transmitted, then 35 different degrees of representations can be made using modulation process. Therefore, it is not possible to get an accurate degree of reading and understanding, thus the utilization period of multimedia signals are measured in this scenario. In the proposed method utilization period denotes the maximum amount that a degree of multimedia data is present in the system and total time taken to visualize a particular data that is transmitted. The above-mentioned summation terms provides total change in utilization period which is simulated and shown in Figure
4. Even the utilization period can be calculated using delay terms but in most cases accurate values can never be achieved if more delay is present during multimedia signal transmission.
From Figure
4 and Table
3 it is pragmatic that amount of degree varies with two step factor between 2 to 10 with total transmission period of 1.9, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5 and 2.8, respectively. In this dissimilarity, the utilization period is calculated and compared with the existing method [
6] by reproducing visualization data with degree measurements. During this comparison the proposed method outperforms the existing method in terms of utilization period in all five degrees of measurement values. It can be proved from the simulation analysis that if degree of data is 6 and time period of utilization corresponding type of data is 2.3 milliseconds then total utilization period is much less in case of projected method for about 0.07 millisecond which is highly minimized than 1 millisecond in case of existing model. Moreover, changes in values are also observed in both proposed and existing methods where utilization period changes in a random way without any accurate factor for existing cases.
Scenario 3. The multimedia data in the proposed system needs a greater amount of memory space to store all types of data in the system. If memory space that is allocated to multimedia data is much lesser, then it will affect the visualization period where no gain can be achieved. Further, the memory space can be measured using the bandwidth values that are supplied at appropriate amounts. If the bandwidth of transmitted multimedia signal is much higher, then more data will be transmitted and as a result large memory space is needed. Therefore, the storage space is measured as reproduction amount of gain and bandwidth that is directly separated by noise that is present in the system. If greater amount of noise is present in the system, then storage space will be occupied by noise factors as compared to multimedia data storage. Hence, this scenario examines maximization of storage space for multimedia data with minimization of noise factor in order to avoid unnecessary storage space and it is simulated in Figure
From Figure
5 and Table
4 it is realized that the following bandwidth ranges such as 2.33, 3.54, 4.89, 5.67 and 6.27 are supplied with variation in gain values that is expressed in terms of percentage. The percentage of gain that is used for simulated is considered to be same for both the existing and proposed method. In the next step a comparison is made with percentage of storage space where the proposed method outperforms the existing method with high storage space. In other terms the storage space that is provided by noise factors are much less in projected model. This can be demonstrated with supplied bandwidth of 5.67 MHz and during this range 79% of multimedia data gain is achieved. By reproducing the above-mentioned values with supplied power the proposed method increases the storage space to 90%. Whereas the existing model is able to provide only 61% of storage space, thus making the remaining space occupied by noise factors.
Scenario 4. It is always essential to build a multimedia system with stable techniques that are present with the current formation of signals. Even if different signals are combined it is necessary to separate it and stabilization can be achieved after the separation process is completed. Therefore, this scenario examines the stability of multimedia data that is represented using different forms at transmitted end. Further, the stabilization factor is measured using weight segments of four different variable parameters thus a smoothness function can be achieved in a shorter period of time. In addition, if the stability of multimedia signals is higher, then it is necessary to carry out normalization procedure with appropriate power constraint. Even in this case challenges are present but at input side it is possible to determine amount of power without any disturbance factor. Furthermore, the smoothness function is simulated and shown in Figure
6 with the addition of weight factors in the system.
From Figure
6 and Table
5 it is pragmatic that the amount of data weight is varied from 5 grams to 25 grams which represents the combination of video, voice and text multimedia signals. In the proposed method, amount of data is represented as data weight in the system therefore with data weight the system conditions are checked for smoothness function and comparison analysis are made. During comparison analysis it is observed that smoothness function of the proposed method is much better than the existing method which is represented in terms of percentage. If data weight of 15 grams is considered, then the existing method provides only 78% smoothness function, whereas with same weight factor projected method processes the data at 93% in a smooth way. Even for all data weights, the proposed method using clustering technique provides better smoothness function as separation of segments are made at better formations using loop formation techniques.
Scenario 5. There are high density points whenever the multimedia data is divided into different segments. Additionally, in the proposed method clustering mechanism is chosen, hence data paths are divided and therefore it is necessary to examine the density points in entire system. Before examining density points the approximation function of clustered segments must be chosen then if approximations are made correctly multimedia data will be formed. In case approximations are different, then points cannot be marked in multimedia data and as a result density of a particular data is increased. To reduce the density point an analytical equation is framed that provides information about marked distance in the system. The difference in distance values that are separated using error function provides minimization of density values in the proposed method. Figure
7 portrays simulation study of density values with respect to marked points in multimedia data.
From Figure
7 and Table
6 it is observed that for varying distances of 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 meters, the error functions are measured as 2.45, 3.12, 4.62, 5.27 and 5.98, respectively. The distance is taken from neighboring multimedia systems that are providing differences between closest regions. Therefore, distance is chosen much closer with varying error rates. By using the above-mentioned specifications percentage of density is calculated and compared with existing model [
6]. During this comparison case the data density of proposed method is much less and it reduces drastically below 30%. Even at the initial stage the density of data is much higher but once the distance is increased then data density is completely reduced. This can be demonstrated with a distance of 40 meters with error function of 5.27 where in this case the data density is equal to 72% for the existing method and 32 in the case of the proposed method.
5.2 Comparison Metrics
The performance analysis of multimedia system with the presence of optimization algorithm is represented in this section where exact data transfer after clustering is monitored in terms of characteristic response. In addition, the comparison metrics will provide clear information about software convergence rate with percentage of flexibility in the system. Moreover, the multimedia system which is transferring all types of signals must respond to the receiver about robustness of a specific type that is transmitted at its end. Therefore, the performance analysis is represented using two different complexity metrics apart from robustness and convergence as follows,
Case study 1: Cosmos complexity
Case study 2: Stint complexity
Case study 1. The process of storing all data in multimedia system requires higher storage space thus complexity in space is created. Even though the topology of the system is installed with appropriate storage space, due to duplication of packets the complexity will increase. Therefore, to avoid duplication of packets and to increase the storage space both exchange and combination process must be present in the system. Thus, the proposed method uses both the aforementioned technique for measuring complexity of the system with elemental storage. The process of elemental storage will create multimedia data in table form thus ensuring low space of creation. Figure
8 describes simulation plot of cosmos complexity.
From Figure
8 and Table
7 it is observed that best epoch periods are taken for indicating the complexity of multimedia storage systems as 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100, respectively. For each best period a separate visualization is made using simulation tool and comparison is provided. During such best epoch cases the complexity is much higher for existing method as compared to the proposed method. This can be evaluated using best epoch of 80 periods where percentage of complexity is 3 and 16 for the proposed and existing cases, respectively. The above-mentioned reduction in complexity percentage is due to appropriate clusters that is provided for each data in the multimedia systems.
Case study 2. There is a necessity that multimedia data must be transmitted within short periods as compared to standard data. The major reason for allocating short periods to multimedia data is that more rapidity is provided as compared to a standard system. Hence, this case study examines the time period of transmission for different types of multimedia data. In addition, a comparison is also made in this study where number of inputs is pre-defined in the execution process. Further, a statement code is also established in such a way for indicating the time period of transmission with elementary operation count. The time period of transmission is simulated and demonstrated in Figure
From Figure
9 and Table
8 it is pragmatic that time complexity of the existing and proposed methods is compared, and it is determined that the proposed method takes only less time for execution as compared with the existing method [
6]. This can be proved with five different best epochs of 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 where time complexities in these cases are 2.41, 1.34, 0.8, 0.3 and 0.2, respectively. Whereas for same epoch period the existing method provides an increase in complexity as 5.04, 3.22, 2.07, 1.89 and 1.23 seconds, respectively. Hence, as a result the multimedia data is transmitted to the users within a short period of time and even these complexities are reduced for large data segments.