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Rerender A Video: Zero-Shot Text-Guided Video-to-Video Translation

Published: 11 December 2023 Publication History


Large text-to-image diffusion models have exhibited impressive proficiency in generating high-quality images. However, when applying these models to video domain, ensuring temporal consistency across video frames remains a formidable challenge. This paper proposes a novel zero-shot text-guided video-to-video translation framework to adapt image models to videos. The framework includes two parts: key frame translation and full video translation. The first part uses an adapted diffusion model to generate key frames, with hierarchical cross-frame constraints applied to enforce coherence in shapes, textures and colors. The second part propagates the key frames to other frames with temporal-aware patch matching and frame blending. Our framework achieves global style and local texture temporal consistency at a low cost (without re-training or optimization). The adaptation is compatible with existing image diffusion techniques, allowing our framework to take advantage of them, such as customizing a specific subject with LoRA, and introducing extra spatial guidance with ControlNet. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework over existing methods in rendering high-quality and temporally-coherent videos. Code is available at our project page: https://www.mmlab-ntu.com/project/rerender/

Supplemental Material

MP4 File
A Presentation video. Full video inputs and results in the paper.
ZIP File
A Presentation video. Full video inputs and results in the paper.


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  1. Rerender A Video: Zero-Shot Text-Guided Video-to-Video Translation



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    SA '23: SIGGRAPH Asia 2023 Conference Papers
    December 2023
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    Published: 11 December 2023


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    1. Video translation
    2. off-the-shelf Stable Diffusion
    3. optical flow
    4. temporal consistency


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