Two authors independently rated participant takeaways for the level of detail (county, state, region) and the semantic level. One hundred and three (
N = 103) participants provided a total of 4,644 takeaways, an average of 45.09 takeaways for each participant. There were 55 Group A participants, who provided a total of 2,534 takeaways total and 46 Group B participants, who provided 2,110 takeaways in total. The coders disagreed on the level of detail in 3.15% of all responses and on the semantic level in 6.72% of all responses. A third coder resolved all of the remaining conflicts except for 9. The remaining conflicts were discussed among the three coders. Fig.
7 shows an overview of the coded takeaways.
Out of the total takeaways, 44 from 15 distinct participants were categorized as off-topic. These were further subdivided into three categories: 19 were classified as blanks, which were zero-character answers submitted for the sole purpose of advancing the survey questions; 4 were related to technical difficulties, such as issues with loading the map ("The image doesn’t load and I’m not allowed to refresh the page..."); and 21 were statements that did not qualify as takeaways. These non-takeaways often involved participants merely repeating the title or did not meaningfully relate to the dataset, and they could not be easily classified under semantic levels L2, L3, or L4.
4.1 Model Building
Statistical analysis was conducted using the SAS®statistical software package. Due to the non-continuous nature of some of the variables, such as
Map Detail, we used a flexible family of models called generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) for both estimation and tests of significance [
49]. The SAS®software’s GLIMMIX package was used to estimate and test different GLMM’s. We initially fitted models that had active main effects and two-factor interactions (2FI); then, we used
F-tests to determine and eliminate effects that had no significant impact on the response (
Takeaway Granularity,
Takeaway Semantic Level) via the
p-value criterion. Finally, the final GLMM used for analysis only consisted of main effects and/or 2FI that had
p-values less than the significance level of 0.05. We believe that these model forms, specifically with the addition of the 2FI, were parsimonious enough to be interpretable but complex enough to capture interesting joint effects of the variables of interest.
Post-hoc analysis of the difference in contrasts between groups (i.e., categories of the independent variables) yielded estimates of odds ratios. For binary responses, odds are the ratios of the probabilities of success vs. failure; in the case of ordered data, the odds are proportional odds which are equal odds (with respect to any two categories) of the outcome being a higher-level vs. a lower level category. Odds ratios, on the other hand, are calculated as the ratios of the odds of two groups. For example, when examining the effect of a specific map design feature such as
Map Type (independent variable) on the likelihood of achieving a higher
Source value (outcome), an odds ratio for
Chloropleth (Group 1) and
Isarithmic (Group 2) that is greater than 1 would suggest that the Group 1 odds of yielding a high
Source value is greater than the Group 2 odds. If the odds ratio is not significantly different from 1, this indicates that there is no difference between the two groups with respect to their impact on the
Source value.
4.2 Effects on the Source of Takeaways
Hypothesis 1a (H1a): Map type influences a reader’s reliance on text annotations.
Due to the ordinal nature of the
Source variable, where higher values indicate more reliance on maps, while lower values show more reliance on text, we used a proportional odds model to analyze the impact of the map and text variables on the comparative odds of being more reliant on map over text (odds ratios). Results from the fitted proportional odds model show that the effect of
Map Type on
Source was found to be significantly dependent on the semantic level of text
2 i.e., the
Map Type ×
Semantic Level interaction effect was significant (
p = 0.0004), but not on
Text-Map Detail Alignment (
p > 0.05). Estimates of the multiplicative effect on the odds ratios (Fig.
9) show that for the choropleth map, perceiver-independent annotations increase the chance of using the map as the primary source of takeaways by a factor of 2.12 × (1/0.47 = 2.12) when compared to perceiver dependent annotations. This implies that for every 100 people, 32 will report relying more on the map when reading a choropleth map with perceiver-dependent annotations and 68 will report relying more on the map when reading a choropleth map with perceiver-independent annotations. To further clarify, consider a sample of 100 map readers. The proportion of readers that are in the perceiver-dependent group versus perceiver-independent group can be determined by the ratio of 1 to 2.12. When these ratios are normalized (i.e.,
\(\frac{1}{1+2.12}\) for perceiver-dependent and
\(\frac{2.12}{1+2.12}\)) for perceiver-independent annotations), they correspond to approximately 32 and 68 readers. For participants reading an isarithmic map, utilizing perceiver-independent annotations as opposed to perceiver-dependent annotations results in a 1.27 × (
p = 0.085) increase in the odds of predominantly relying on the map. In the scenario of the hexbin map interaction, perceiver-independent annotations result in a 2.86 × (
p < 0.001) increase in the odds of a reader focusing more on the map compared to when perceiver-dependent annotations are present. Annotations at the dependent level generally increase reliance on text annotations, aligning with the hypothesis’s predicted directionality.
These results indicate that the semantic level’s effect (dependent vs. independent) on takeaways is the strongest for isarithmic maps, followed by choropleth maps, and is least apparent for hexbins. This indicates that a higher semantic level tends to foster more reliance on text annotations, with this tendency being most prominent in isarithmic maps and least so in hexbins.
Hypothesis 1b (H1b): Increased geographic detail in maps leads to greater reliance on text annotations.We used a proportional odds model to analyze the impact of the map and text variables on a higher
Source (
i.e. reader being more reliant on map). The Fixed Effect tests (Fig.
8) indicate that
Map Detail is significant on
Source (
p = 0.0164). Readers who are shown county-level maps tend to display a higher reliance on text than on the map itself. The odds of a reader relying more on the map for insights are 1.22 × higher (
p = 0.016) when the map detail is at the state level compared to the county level (Fig.
10) supporting this hypothesis.
Hypothesis 1c (H1c): Higher spatial autocorrelation in maps might reduce reliance on text annotations.
This hypothesis is rejected. The results reveal that Moran’s I is not significant on
Source for both experiments (Fig.
8). Similarly, text attributes exhibit no interaction with Moran’s I. This leads to the conclusion that differences in geographic correlations within the phenomenon mapped do not influence a reader’s reliance on annotations.
4.3 Effects on the Takeaway Granularity
Hypothesis 2a (H2a): Map type affects the granularity of a reader’s takeaways.
The Takeaway Granularity output variable, which takes on the values county, state, region is an ordinal data type. We used a proportional odds model to analyze the impact of the input variables on the comparative odds of having a coarser (regional) takeaway.
We examine the effect of
Map Type on
Takeaway Granularity, to which there is a significant effect (
p = 0.0003). According to the odds ratio model which is summarized in Fig.
11, readers are 10.70 × (
p < 0.001) more likely to produce takeaways at a coarser granularity when reading a choropleth map vs. an isarithmic map. Readers are also 12.5 × more likely to have coarser takeaways when reading a hexbin vs. an isarithmic map. When comparing hexbins to choropleth maps, hexbins were 1.11 × (
p = 0.756) more likely to create coarser takeaways, although this result is not significant. Thus, we conclude that people are least likely to have a coarser-detailed takeaway when reading isarithmic maps.
The immediate implications of these results suggest that choropleth and hexbin maps lead to coarser granularity takeaways, while isarithmic maps help readers focus on finer details. These findings underscore the importance of the contextual use of each map type. For example, in teaching geographic patterns, choropleth maps may be more effective in highlighting trends at the regional level, while isarithmic maps may be better suited for showing phenomena at a finer level.
Hypothesis 2b (H2b): The granularity of takeaways varies with map detail.The test of Fixed Effects (Fig.
8) suggests that both
Text-Map Detail Alignment (
p < 0.0001) and
Text-Map Detail Alignment ×
Semantic Level (
p < 0.0001) have a significant influence on the granularity of a reader’s takeaway. When viewing a county-level map with text-map detail misalignment, the odds of a reader offering a coarser takeaway granularity are 23.03 × (
p < 0.001) greater (Fig.
12) than when reading a map with an aligned text-map detail. This result suggests that detailed maps paired with coarser text detail lead to more generalized takeaways. For less detailed (state-level) maps, text detail, regardless of whether it is coarser or finer, tends to elicit more precise (state or county-level) takeaways (Fig.
12). It is noteworthy that regardless of the level of text detail, county-level maps yield same-level (county) coarser takeaways (at the state or regional level) compared to state-level maps, since there is no finer level of detail beyond the county level. This suggests that the production of finer-grained takeaways is not caused by higher-detailed maps.
Hypothesis 2c (H2c): Higher spatial autocorrelation leads to takeaways with coarser detail.Due to the categorical nature of the dependent variable such as Takeaway Granularity and the continuous nature of the independent variable (Moran’s I for Spatial Autocorrelation), we use nominal logistic regression to model the odds of having a coarser takeaway. Recall that the ordinal ordering from fine to coarse is county, state, region.
The effect of Spatial Autocorrelation depends only on
Map Type, but not on text elements (Fig.
8). The results indicate that higher levels of spatial autocorrelation produce finer details for both choropleth and hexbin but higher levels of Moran’s I produce coarser level of detail for the isarithmic maps. This is seen by the negative coefficient values for choropleth (− 1.8869) and hexbin (− 2.2194) maps, but a positive coefficient (3.3453) for the isarithmic map (see Fig.
13). Thus, this hypothesis is only supported for isarithmic maps.
4.4 Effects on the Semantic Level of Takeaways
Hypothesis 3a (H3a): Map type influences the semantic level of a reader’s takeaways.
To better analyze the semantic level of reader takeaways, which is categorized into ordinal levels (L2, L3, or L4), we again employed a proportional odds model. This model is used to assess the influence of various map and text factors on the likelihood of a reader deriving a takeaway at a more advanced semantic level.
Our model (Fig.
14) that estimates the probability that the takeaway will be at a higher semantic level. Fixed Effect tests (Fig.
8) show that
Map Type (
p < 0.0001) has an effect on
Takeaway Semantic Level, but the direction and magnitude of the effect is dependent on the
Text-Map Detail Alignment (
i.e. Text-Map Detail Alignment ×
Map Type is also significant at
p = 0.0001). The interpretations of the odds ratios are as follows:
When text and map detail were unaligned, the odds that the reader has a higher semantic level takeaway is 8.33 × (p = 0.214) when reading an isarithmic map vs. a choropleth map. This difference is more pronounced when text and map detail were aligned, here the odds increased to 100 × (p = 0.012) for the same comparison - isarithmic map vs. a choropleth map.
When text and map detail were unaligned, the odds that a reader provides a higher semantic level takeaway is 3.43 × (p = 0.241) greater for a choropleth map vs. a hexbin. When text and map detail were aligned, the odds of readers providing a higher semantic level takeaway is 1.20 × (p = 0.525) greater for a hexbin vs. a choropleth.
When text and map detail were unaligned, the odds that a reader provides a higher semantic level takeaway is 28.07 × (p < 0.001) for an isarithmic map vs. a hexbin. When text and map detail were aligned, the odds increased to 69.66 × (p < 0.001) for the same comparison - an isarithmic map vs. a hexbin.
These quantitative results show that regardless of the level of text-map detail alignment, isarithmic maps produce significantly higher semantics than choropleths, with the effect stronger when the text detail is the
aligned. Thus, this hypothesis is supported.
Hypothesis 3b (H3b): Coarser map details lead to higher-level semantic takeaways. We build an odds model to analyze the impact of map and text factors on the comparative odds of having a higher semantic level takeaway. We see that test of Fixed Effects indicates that
Map Detail (
p < 0.0001) has a significant effect on the semantic level of the takeaways (Fig.
8). More specifically, county-level maps produce higher semantic level takeaways over state-level maps by a factor of 1.64 × (
p < 0.001) (Fig.
15 B). This implies that finer map details are more likely to lead to takeaways at a higher semantic level. The opposite of our hypothesis is true, so it is rejected.
When examining this hypothesis, we also discovered that
Semantic Level has a highly significant effect on the reader’s
Takeaway Semantic Level (
p < 0.0001). In experiment 2 (Fig.
15 A), the pairwise comparisons in our odds ratios model yielded: Readers have 4.177 × (
p < 0.001) higher odds of having a higher level semantic takeaway when reading L3 annotations compared to L2 annotations. When reading L4 annotations compared to L2, the odds increase significantly to 25 × (
p < 0.001) higher. Moreover, readers have 6.25 × (
p < 0.001) higher odds of experiencing a higher level semantic takeaway when comparing L4 to L3 annotations. From these findings, we conclude that higher semantics in the text annotations result in higher semantics in the takeaways.
Hypothesis 3c (H3c): Spatial autocorrelation within a map dataset influences the semantic level of takeaways.For this hypothesis, we use nominal logistic regression (Fig.
16) to model how Moran’s I affects the semantic level of a reader’s takeaway.
Spatial Autocorrelation ×
Map Type (
p < 0.0001) has a significant effect on
Takeaway Semantic Level. For isarithmic maps, higher Moran’s I results in lower semantic levels, as denoted by a significant p-value and negative coefficient(
coefficient = −6.8788,
p = 0.0410). Hexbins produce takeaways at a higher semantic level with higher spatial autocorrelation (
coefficient = 4.7801,
p = 0.0019). Choropleth maps also are more likely to produce takeaways at a higher semantic level with an increasing Moran’s I (
coefficient = 1.9961,
p = 0.1305), but this result was not significant.
4.5 Additional Statistical Analyses
The preceding subsections focused on examining the influence of map variables on participant takeaways. This subsection aims to concisely present insights gained from analyzing participants’ VLAT scores. It’s important to note that VLAT scores are observed outcomes; hence, any causal relationships cannot be established based on these scores.
The Pearson correlation coefficient between VLAT scores and the variable Source is approximately 0.085 (p < 0.001), signifying a significant correlation, albeit a slight correlation. This suggests that participants with higher visual literacy are more inclined to extract information directly from the map. However, we reiterate this relationship is correlative and does not imply causation. Furthermore, the nature of the Source as ordinal data presents limitations when correlating with VLAT scores, which are cardinal in nature.
Similarly, the Pearson correlation coefficient of -0.033 (p < 0.023) shows a weak, yet statistically significant negative relationship between VLAT scores and the Takeaway Semantic Level. This indicates that higher VLAT scores correlate with lower levels of takeaway semantics. It further suggests that individuals with better visual literacy are inclined to rely less on personal interpretation, favoring direct data extraction (e.g., reading specific values from a map) rather than making abstract or trend-based inferences.
Regarding the volume of takeaways, the mean number recorded per dataset is 774, with a standard deviation of approximately 11.85. This statistic reflects that each dataset in the study, on average, elicited about 774 takeaways. On an individual level, participants contributed an average of 46 takeaways each, with a standard deviation of 12.48.