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Planted Clique Conjectures Are Equivalent

Published: 11 June 2024 Publication History


The planted clique conjecture states that no polynomial-time algorithm can find a hidden clique of size k ≪ √n in an n-vertex Erdős–Rényi random graph with a k-clique planted. In this paper, we prove the equivalence among many (in fact, most) variants of planted clique conjectures, such as search versions with a success probability exponentially close to 1 and with a non-negligible success probability, a worst-case version (the k-clique problem on incompressible graphs), decision versions with small and large success probabilities, and decision versions with adversarially chosen k and binomially distributed k. In particular, we establish the equivalence between the planted clique problem introduced by Jerrum and Kučera and its decision version suggested by Saks in the 1990s. Moreover, the equivalence among decision versions identifies the optimality of a simple edge counting algorithm: By counting the number of edges, one can efficiently distinguish an n-vertex random graph from a random graph with a k-clique planted with probability Θ(k2/n) for any k ≤ √n. We show that for any k, no polynomial-time algorithm can distinguish these two random graphs with probability ≫ k2 / n if and only if the planted clique conjecture holds. The equivalence among search versions identifies the first one-way function that admits a polynomial-time security-preserving self-reduction from exponentially weak to strong one-way functions. These results reveal a detection-recovery gap in success probabilities for the planted clique problem. We also present another equivalence between the existence of a refutation algorithm for the planted clique problem and an average-case polynomial-time algorithm for the k-clique problem with respect to the Erdős–Rényi random graph.


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Published: 11 June 2024


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  1. average-case complexity
  2. hardness amplification
  3. platned clique


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