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FACET: Robust Counterfactual Explanation Analytics

Published: 12 December 2023 Publication History


Machine learning systems are deployed in domains such as hiring and healthcare, where undesired classifications can have serious ramifications for the user. Thus, there is a rising demand for explainable AI systems which provide actionable steps for lay users to obtain their desired outcome. To meet this need, we propose FACET, the first explanation analytics system which supports a user in interactively refining counterfactual explanations for decisions made by tree ensembles. As FACET's foundation, we design a novel type of counterfactual explanation called the counterfactual region. Unlike traditional counterfactuals, FACET's regions concisely describe portions of the feature space where the desired outcome is guaranteed, regardless of variations in exact feature values. This property, which we coin explanation robustness, is critical for the practical application of counterfactuals. We develop a rich set of novel explanation analytics queries which empower users to identify personalized counterfactual regions that account for their real-world circumstances. To process these queries, we develop a compact high-dimensional counterfactual region index along with index-aware query processing strategies for near real-time explanation analytics. We evaluate FACET against state-of-the-art explanation techniques on eight public benchmark datasets and demonstrate that FACET generates actionable explanations of similar quality in an order of magnitude less time while providing critical robustness guarantees. Finally, we conduct a preliminary user study which suggests that FACET's regions lead to higher user understanding than traditional counterfactuals.

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Cited By

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  • (2024)MetaStore: Analyzing Deep Learning Meta-Data at ScaleProceedings of the VLDB Endowment10.14778/3648160.364818217:6(1446-1459)Online publication date: 3-May-2024
  • (2024)Actionable Recourse for Automated Decisions: Examining the Effects of Counterfactual Explanation Type and Presentation on Lay User UnderstandingProceedings of the 2024 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency10.1145/3630106.3658997(1682-1700)Online publication date: 3-Jun-2024

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  1. FACET: Robust Counterfactual Explanation Analytics



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    Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data  Volume 1, Issue 4
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    Published in PACMMOD Volume 1, Issue 4


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    1. counterfactual explanation
    2. explainable AI
    3. gradient boosting ensembles
    4. interpretable machine learning
    5. random forest


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    • (2024)MetaStore: Analyzing Deep Learning Meta-Data at ScaleProceedings of the VLDB Endowment10.14778/3648160.364818217:6(1446-1459)Online publication date: 3-May-2024
    • (2024)Actionable Recourse for Automated Decisions: Examining the Effects of Counterfactual Explanation Type and Presentation on Lay User UnderstandingProceedings of the 2024 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency10.1145/3630106.3658997(1682-1700)Online publication date: 3-Jun-2024

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