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The Effects of Goal-setting on Learning Outcomes and Self-Regulated Learning Processes

Published: 10 March 2024 Publication History


We present a user study (N = 40) that investigated the role of goal-setting on learning during search. To this end, we developed a tool called the Subgoal Manager (SM). The SM was designed to help searchers break apart a learning-oriented search task into smaller subgoals. The tool enabled participants to add, delete, and modify subgoals; take notes with respect to subgoals; and mark subgoals as completed. During the study, participants completed a single learning-oriented search task and were assigned to one of two subgoal conditions. In the Subgoals condition, participants had access to the SM; were instructed to develop at least three subgoals before the search session; and could add, delete, and modify subgoals during the search session. In the NoSubgoals condition, participants were not instructed to set subgoals and were simply provided with a text editor to take notes. We investigate the effects of the subgoal condition on: (RQ1) learning and retention and (RQ2) the extent to which participants engaged in specific self-regulated learning (SRL) processes during the search session. Our results found two important trends. First, participants in the Subgoals condition had better learning outcomes, especially with respect to retention. Second, based on a qualitative analysis of participants’ search sessions, participants in the Subgoals condition engaged in more self-regulated learning (SRL) processes. Combined, our results suggest that goal-setting improves learning during search by encouraging and supporting greater engagement with SRL processes.


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  1. The Effects of Goal-setting on Learning Outcomes and Self-Regulated Learning Processes



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