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10.1145/3632775.3661988acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication Pagese-energyConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Privacy-Preserving Control of Partitioned Energy Resources

Published: 31 May 2024 Publication History


Distributed energy resources are an increasingly important part of the electric grid. We examine the problem of partitioning a distributed energy resource among many users while providing privacy to them. In this model, clients can send requests to a server, the server can verify that the requests are valid and aggregate them, but it cannot see the actual values in the requests. Without privacy, each user is forced to reveal their daily schedule or energy use.
Energy resources add a novel challenge that prior systems do not address: they require verifying limits on private power (a rate over time) and energy (a sum) values. Furthermore, the cryptographic mechanisms must run on embedded energy control systems.
We describe Weft, a novel cryptographic system that verifies both power (rate) and energy (integral) constraints on private client values and aggregates them. The key insight behind the approach is to rely on additively homomorphic secret shares, which allows servers to compute sums from rates. We present 3 cryptographic proof systems with different system trade-off for embedded systems: bit-splitting proofs minimize memory use, sorting proofs minimize computation, and commitment proofs minimize network communication. Using bit-splitting proofs, it takes an IoT client using a CortexM microcontroller 4 minutes of compute time to privately control its share of an energy resource for a day at 20s granularity.


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