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Protecting privacy using the decentralized label model

Published: 01 October 2000 Publication History
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  • Abstract

    Stronger protection is needed for the confidentiality and integrity of data, because programs containing untrusted code are the rule rather than the exception. Information flow control allows the enforcement of end-to-end security policies, but has been difficult to put into practice. This article describes the decentralized label model, a new label model for control of information flow in systems with mutual distrust and decentralized authority. The model improves on existing multilevel security models by allowing users to declassify information in a decentralized way, and by improving support for fine-grained data sharing. It supports static program analysis of information flow, so that programs can be certified to permit only acceptable information flows, while largely avoiding the overhead of run-time checking. The article introduces the language Jif, an extension to Java that provides static checking of information flow using the decentralized label model.


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    1. Protecting privacy using the decentralized label model



        Jonathan K. Millen

        The decentralized label model is a policy for labeling data in a computer system to preserve confidentiality and integrity. Its philosophical roots are in the Denning lattice model, in which static analysis of programming language statements uncovers both explicit and implicit information flows through a program from inputs to outputs. These labels are not the standard sensitivity/compartment lattice labels, but rather discretionary or owner-controlled labels like Graubart's reader/writer sets, which can be enforced, and which propagate when data is copied or computed. Instead of listing all (contributing) writers and all (permitted) readers, these labels specify each owner's policy as a list of permitted readers; combining data results in concatenating the owners' policies, and only principals in the intersection of the reader lists may read the data. By keeping the owners' policies separate, owners may relax their own policy, called "declassification." The rights of owners to do this, as well as to read data, are automatically acquired by their superiors in an "acts-for" hierarchy. These features make the proposed model more practical. Another important advance in practicality is the implementation as an extension of Java, called Jif, with a compiler that performs the static label checking. A separate dual model is needed to deal with integrity, and some trust still resides in the operating system to ensure that only checked programs can access protected data.

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        cover image ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
        ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology  Volume 9, Issue 4
        Oct. 2000
        188 pages
        Issue’s Table of Contents


        Association for Computing Machinery

        New York, NY, United States

        Publication History

        Published: 01 October 2000
        Published in TOSEM Volume 9, Issue 4


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        Author Tags

        1. confidentiality
        2. declassification
        3. downgrading
        4. end-to-end
        5. information flow controls
        6. integrity
        7. lattice
        8. policies
        9. principals
        10. roles
        11. type checking


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