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Evolutionary Optimization with Simplified Helper Task for High-dimensional Expensive Multiobjective Problems

Online AM: 11 January 2024 Publication History


In recent years, surrogate-assisted evolutionary algorithms (SAEAs) have been sufficiently studied for tackling computationally expensive multiobjective optimization problems (EMOPs), as they can quickly estimate the qualities of solutions by using surrogate models to substitute for expensive evaluations. However, most existing SAEAs only show promising performance for solving EMOPs with no more than 10 dimensions, and become less efficient for tackling EMOPs with higher dimensionality. Thus, this article proposes a new SAEA with a simplified helper task for tackling high-dimensional EMOPs. In each generation, one simplified task will be generated artificially by using random dimension reduction on the target task (i.e., the target EMOPs). Then, two surrogate models are trained for the helper task and the target task, respectively. Based on the trained surrogate models, evolutionary multitasking optimization is run to solve these two tasks, so that the experiences of solving the helper task can be transferred to speed up the convergence of tackling the target task. Moreover, an effective model management strategy is designed to select new promising samples for training the surrogate models. When compared to five competitive SAEAs on four well-known benchmark suites, the experiments validate the advantages of the proposed algorithm on most test cases.


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          Online AM: 11 January 2024
          Accepted: 21 November 2023
          Revised: 03 October 2023
          Received: 17 February 2023

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          1. Surrogate-assisted evolutionary algorithm
          2. expensive multiobjective optimization problem
          3. evolutionary multitasking
          4. model management


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