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Enhancing E-commerce Spelling Correction with Fine-Tuned Transformer Models

Published: 24 August 2024 Publication History


In the realm of e-commerce, the process of search stands as the primary point of interaction for users, wielding a profound influence on the platform's revenue generation. Notably, spelling correction assumes a pivotal role in shaping the user's search experience by rectifying erroneous query inputs, thus facilitating more accurate retrieval outcomes. Within the scope of this research paper, our aim is to enhance the existing state-of-the-art discriminative model performance with generative modelling strategies while concurrently addressing the engineering concerns associated with real-time online latency, inherent to models of this category. We endeavor to refine LSTM-based classification models for spelling correction through a generative fine-tuning approach hinged upon pre-trained language models. Our comprehensive offline assessments have yielded compelling results, showcasing that transformer-based architectures, such as BART (developed by Facebook) and T5 (a product of Google), have achieved a 4% enhancement in F1 score compared to baseline models for the English language sites. Furthermore, to mitigate the challenges posed by latency, we have incorporated model pruning techniques like no-teacher distillation. We have undertaken the deployment of our model (English only) as an A/B test candidate for real-time e-commerce traffic, encompassing customers from the US and the UK. The model attest to a 100% successful request service rate within real-time scenarios, with median, 90th percentile, and 99th percentile (p90/p99) latencies comfortably falling below production service level agreements. Notably, these achievements are further reinforced by positive customer engagement, transactional and search page metrics, including a significant reduction in instances of search results page with low or almost zero recall. Moreover, we have also extended our efforts into fine-tuning a multilingual model, which, notably, exhibits substantial accuracy enhancements, amounting to a minimum of 16%, across four distinct European languages and English.

Supplemental Material

MOV File - Applied Data Science Promotional Video
This video presents a short abstract understanding of our work on "Enhancing E-commerce Spelling Correction with Fine-Tuned Transformer Models" at eBay. It gives a brief introduction to the core e-commerce problem where a subtle misspelling impacts user experience heavily. We compare our proposed solution to the baseline production model. We introduce a generative models (BART, T5 class of models) with careful addressal of model latency concerns usual with encoder-decoder models. We highlight our optimisation strategies and also show strong improvements with multilingual model over analogous language specific production models.
MOV File - Applied Data Science Promotional Video
This video presents a short abstract understanding of our work on "Enhancing E-commerce Spelling Correction with Fine-Tuned Transformer Models" at eBay. It gives a brief introduction to the core e-commerce problem where a subtle misspelling impacts user experience heavily. We compare our proposed solution to the baseline production model. We introduce a generative models (BART, T5 class of models) with careful addressal of model latency concerns usual with encoder-decoder models. We highlight our optimisation strategies and also show strong improvements with multilingual model over analogous language specific production models.


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  • (2024)Development of an Artificial Intelligence Based Correction System for Spelling Errors in Product ReviewsScientific Journal of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University10.70030/sjmakeu.15778097:2(99-108)Online publication date: 31-Dec-2024



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KDD '24: Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
August 2024
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 24 August 2024


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  1. bart
  2. encoder-decoder architecture
  3. fine-tuning
  4. knowledge distillation
  5. multilingual
  6. online inference
  7. spelling correction
  8. t5
  9. transformers


  • Research-article


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  • (2024)Development of an Artificial Intelligence Based Correction System for Spelling Errors in Product ReviewsScientific Journal of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University10.70030/sjmakeu.15778097:2(99-108)Online publication date: 31-Dec-2024

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