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Exploring and Improving Code Completion for Test Code

Published: 13 June 2024 Publication History


Code completion is an important feature in Integrated Development Environments (IDEs). These years, researchers have been making efforts for intelligent code completion. However, existing work on intelligent code completion either only considered production code, or did not distinguish between production code and test code. It is unclear how effective existing completion models are for test code completion, nor whether we can further improve it. In this work, we focus on the completion of test code. We first find through experiments that completion models for production code are suboptimal for test code completion. Then we analyze the specific characteristics of test code, and observe that test code has inter- and intra-project similarities, and a strong relationship with its focal class and other production classes depending on the focal class (i.e., focal-related code). By incorporating test code from other projects to fine-tune existing models, we leverage the inter-project similarity of test code to improve the completion of tokens specific to test code. By introducing a local component and constructing existing test code as well as the focal-related code in the project as references, we enhance existing code completion models with the intra-project similarity and the focal-related code of test code. Experiments show that each characteristic of test code we exploit can bring substantial improvement to test code completion and our integrated framework outperforms other baseline frameworks. Compared to the base completion model, on token-level completion, our optimal model for test code completion relatively improves all-token and identifier completion accuracy by 7.68% and 19.96%, respectively; on line-level completion, it relatively improves edit-distance similarity and exact-match metrics by 8.89% and 22.82%, respectively. Moreover, we perform error analysis and point out potential directions for future work.


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  1. Exploring and Improving Code Completion for Test Code



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