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In-Network Address Caching for Virtual Networks

Published: 04 August 2024 Publication History


Packet routing in virtual networks requires virtual-to-physical address translation. The address mappings are updated by a single party, i.e., the network administrator, but they are read by multiple devices across the network when routing tenant packets. Existing approaches face an inherent read-write performance tradeoff: they either store these mappings in dedicated gateways for fast updates at the cost of slower forwarding or replicate them at end-hosts and suffer from slow updates.
SwitchV2P aims to escape this tradeoff by leveraging the network switches to transparently cache the address mappings while learning them from the traffic. SwitchV2P brings the mappings closer to the sender, thus reducing the first packet latency and translation overheads, while simultaneously enabling fast mapping updates, all without changing existing routing policies and deployed gateways. The topology-aware data-plane caching protocol allows the switches to transparently adapt to changing network conditions and varying in-switch memory capacity.
Our evaluation shows the benefits of in-network address mapping, including an up to 7.8× and 4.3× reduction in FCT and first packet latency respectively, and a substantial reduction in translation gateway load. Additionally, SwitchV2P achieves up to a 1.9× reduction in bandwidth overheads and requires order-of-magnitude fewer gateways for equivalent performance.


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  1. network virtualization
  2. virtual-to-physical IP translation
  3. in-network caching


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