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UTwinVM: Reliable hints on the effects of hypervisor updates on VMs in the Cloud

Published: 02 December 2024 Publication History


We investigate the problem of getting hints on the effects of virtualization system (aka hypervisor) updates impact on virtual machines (VMs). System administrators can be reluctant to apply updates due to vague hints regarding the updates' impact on running applications. The problem is challenging since VMs are black boxes by design, reducing the scope of the data that can be retrieved and analyzed. Additionally, cloning VMs is only sometimes possible for obvious legal and privacy concerns.
In this paper, we present UTwinVM for Updated Twin VM, a mechanism to obtain valuable hints concerning the impact of updates on applications running in VMs. UTwinVM key idea is to generate a digital twin of running VMs that mimics the original VMs workloads behavior if they were running on with the updated virtualization stack. To achieve that, UTwinVM records several metrics regarding running VMs and the virtualization system on the initial server and on another server where the intended updated system runs. Then, it leverages a non-linear negative squared solver to determine how the initial system differs from the updated one. Based on that, it runs through specific scripts, workloads in VMs will match workloads running in the production VMs as if they were running on the updated system. Consequently, system administrators can observe these recreated workloads to obtain hints on the potential performance impact on production VMs. UTwinVM is non-intrusive for VMs and does not require modifications to the virtualization system.
We implement an open-source prototype of UTwinVM atop the Linux/KVM virtualization system (v6.6.4). Our evaluation shows that UTwinVM incurs no overhead on running VMs and less than 11% performance impact on host services while providing accurate hints for several update scenarios - up to 99%.


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