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picoRing: battery-free rings for subtle thumb-to-index input

Published: 11 October 2024 Publication History


Smart rings for subtle, reliable finger input offer an attractive path for ubiquitous interaction with wearable computing platforms. However, compared to ordinary rings worn for cultural or fashion reasons, smart rings are much bulkier and less comfortable, largely due to the space required for a battery, which also limits the space available for sensors. This paper presents picoRing, a flexible sensing architecture that enables a variety of battery-free smart rings paired with a wristband. By inductively connecting a wristband-based sensitive reader coil with a ring-based fully-passive sensor coil, picoRing enables the wristband to stably detect the passive response from the ring via a weak inductive coupling. We demonstrate four different rings that support thumb-to-finger interactions like pressing, sliding, or scrolling. When users perform these interactions, the corresponding ring converts each input into a unique passive response through a network of passive switches. Combining the coil-based sensitive readout with the fully-passive ring design enables a tiny ring that weighs as little as 1.5 g and achieves a 13 cm stable readout despite finger bending, and proximity to metal.

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  1. picoRing: battery-free rings for subtle thumb-to-index input



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