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E-Joint: Fabrication of Large-Scale Interactive Objects Assembled by 3D Printed Conductive Parts with Copper Plated Joints

Published: 11 October 2024 Publication History


The advent of conductive thermoplastic filaments and multi-material 3D printing has made it feasible to create interactive 3D printed objects. Yet, challenges arise due to the volume constraints of desktop 3D printers and the high resistive characteristics of current conductive materials, making the fabrication of large-scale or highly conductive interactive objects can be daunting. We propose E-Joint, a novel fabrication pipeline for 3D printed objects utilizing mortise and tenon joint structures combined with a copper plating process. The segmented pieces and joint structures are customized in software along with integrated circuits. Then electroplate them for enhanced conductivity. We designed four distinct electrified joint structures in the experiment and evaluated the practical feasibility and effectiveness of fabricating pipes. By constructing three applications with those structures, we verified the usability of E-Joint in making large-scale interactive objects and showed the path to a more integrated future for manufacturing.

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  1. E-Joint: Fabrication of Large-Scale Interactive Objects Assembled by 3D Printed Conductive Parts with Copper Plated Joints



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