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GTS: GPU-based Tree Index for Fast Similarity Search

Published: 30 May 2024 Publication History


Similarity search, the task of identifying objects most similar to a given query object under a specific metric, has gathered significant attention due to its practical applications. However, the absence of coordinate information to accelerate similarity search and the high computational cost of measuring object similarity hinder the efficiency of existing CPU-based methods. Additionally, these methods struggle to meet the demand for high throughput data management. To address these challenges, we propose GTS, a GPU-based tree index designed for the parallel processing of similarity search in general metric spaces, where only the distance metric for measuring object similarity is known. The GTS index utilizes a pivot-based tree structure to efficiently prune objects and employs list tables to facilitate GPU computing. To efficiently manage concurrent similarity queries with limited GPU memory, we have developed a two-stage search method that combines batch processing and sequential strategies to optimize memory usage. The paper also introduces an effective update strategy for the proposed GPU-based index, encompassing streaming data updates and batch data updates. Additionally, we present a cost model to evaluate search performance. Extensive experiments on five real-life datasets demonstrate that GTS achieves efficiency gains of up to two orders of magnitude over existing CPU baselines and up to 20x efficiency improvements compared to state-of-the-art GPU-based methods.


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Index Terms

  1. GTS: GPU-based Tree Index for Fast Similarity Search



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    Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data  Volume 2, Issue 3
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    Published: 30 May 2024
    Published in PACMMOD Volume 2, Issue 3


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    1. GPU-based index
    2. concurrent similarity search
    3. metric space


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