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GenderCARE: A Comprehensive Framework for Assessing and Reducing Gender Bias in Large Language Models

Published: 09 December 2024 Publication History


Large language models (LLMs) have exhibited remarkable capabilities in natural language generation, but they have also been observed to magnify societal biases, particularly those related to gender. In response to this issue, several benchmarks have been proposed to assess gender bias in LLMs. However, these benchmarks often lack practical flexibility or inadvertently introduce biases. To address these shortcomings, we introduce GenderCARE, a comprehensive framework that encompasses innovative Criteria, bias Assessment, Reduction techniques, and Evaluation metrics for quantifying and mitigating gender bias in LLMs. To begin, we establish pioneering criteria for gender equality benchmarks, spanning dimensions such as inclusivity, diversity, explainability, objectivity, robustness, and realisticity. Guided by these criteria, we construct GenderPair, a novel pair-based benchmark designed to assess gender bias in LLMs comprehensively. Our benchmark provides standardized and realistic evaluations, including previously overlooked gender groups such as transgender and non-binary individuals. Furthermore, we develop effective debiasing techniques that incorporate counterfactual data augmentation and specialized fine-tuning strategies to reduce gender bias in LLMs without compromising their overall performance. Extensive experiments demonstrate a significant reduction in various gender bias benchmarks, with reductions peaking at over 90% and averaging above 35% across 17 different LLMs. Importantly, these reductions come with minimal variability in mainstream language tasks, remaining below 2%. By offering a realistic assessment and tailored reduction of gender biases, we hope that our GenderCARE can represent a significant step towards achieving fairness and equity in LLMs. More details are available at https://github.com/kstanghere/GenderCARE-ccs24.


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  • (2024)Security and Privacy on Generative Data in AIGC: A SurveyACM Computing Surveys10.1145/370362657:4(1-34)Online publication date: 10-Dec-2024

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  1. GenderCARE: A Comprehensive Framework for Assessing and Reducing Gender Bias in Large Language Models



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      cover image ACM Conferences
      CCS '24: Proceedings of the 2024 on ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security
      December 2024
      5188 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

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      Published: 09 December 2024

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      1. AI security
      2. algorithmic fairness
      3. gender bias
      4. large language models


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      • the Natural Science Foundation of China
      • the National Research Foundation, Singapore and Infocomm Media Development Authority under its Trust Tech Funding Initiative


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      • (2024)Security and Privacy on Generative Data in AIGC: A SurveyACM Computing Surveys10.1145/370362657:4(1-34)Online publication date: 10-Dec-2024

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