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Coherence-based Query Performance Measures for Dense Retrieval

Published: 05 August 2024 Publication History


Query Performance Prediction (QPP) estimates the effectiveness of a search engine's results in response to a query without relevance judgments. Traditionally, post-retrieval predictors have focused upon either the distribution of the retrieval scores, or the coherence of the top-ranked documents using traditional bag-of-words index representations. More recently, BERT-based models using dense embedded document representations have been used to create new predictors, but mostly applied to predict the performance of rankings created by BM25. Instead, we aim to predict the effectiveness of rankings created by single-representation dense retrieval models (ANCE & TCT-ColBERT). Therefore, we propose a number of variants of existing unsupervised coherence-based predictors that employ neural embedding representations. In our experiments on the TREC Deep Learning Track datasets, we demonstrate improved accuracy upon dense retrieval (up to 92% compared to sparse variants for TCT-ColBERT and 188% for ANCE). Going deeper, we select the most representative and best performing predictors to study the importance of differences among predictors and query types on query performance. Using the scaled Absolute Rank Error (sARE) evaluation measure and a particular type of linear mixed model, we find that query types further significantly influence query performance (and are up to 35% responsible for the unstable performance of QPP predictors), and that this sensitivity is unique to dense retrieval models. In particular, we find that in the cases where our predictors perform lower than score-based predictors, this is partially due to the sensitivity of MAP@100 to query types. Our novel analysis provides new insights into dense QPP that can explain potential unstable performance of existing predictors and outlines the unique characteristics of different query types on dense retrieval models.


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  1. Coherence-based Query Performance Measures for Dense Retrieval



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    cover image ACM Conferences
    ICTIR '24: Proceedings of the 2024 ACM SIGIR International Conference on Theory of Information Retrieval
    August 2024
    267 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 05 August 2024

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    1. coherence-based
    2. dense retrieval
    3. query performance prediction


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