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10.1145/3664647.3680656acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesmmConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Joint Homophily and Heterophily Relational Knowledge Distillation for Efficient and Compact 3D Object Detection

Published: 28 October 2024 Publication History


3D Object Detection (3DOD) aims to accurately locate and identify 3D objects in point clouds, facing the challenge of balancing model performance with computational efficiency. Knowledge distillation emerges as a vital method for model compression in 3DOD, transferring knowledge from complex, larger models to smaller, efficient ones. However, the effectiveness of these methods is constrained by the intrinsic sparsity and structural complexity of point clouds. In this paper, we propose a novel methodology termed Joint Homophily and Heterophily Relational Knowledge Distillation (H2RKD) to distill robust relational knowledge in point clouds, thereby enhancing intra-object similarity and refining inter-object distinction. This unified strategy encompasses the integration of Collaborative Global Distillation (CGD) for distilling global relational knowledge across both distance and angular dimensions, and Separate Local Distillation (SLD) for a focused distillation of local relational dynamics. By seamlessly leveraging the relational dynamics within point clouds, the H2RKD facilitates a comprehensive knowledge transfer, significantly advancing 3D object detection capabilities. Extensive experiments on KITTI and unScenes datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed H2RKD.


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Index Terms

  1. Joint Homophily and Heterophily Relational Knowledge Distillation for Efficient and Compact 3D Object Detection



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      Published: 28 October 2024


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