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Advancing Generalized Deepfake Detector with Forgery Perception Guidance

Published: 28 October 2024 Publication History


One of the serious impacts brought by artificial intelligence is the abuse of deepfake techniques. Despite the proliferation of deepfake detection methods aimed at safeguarding the authenticity of media across the Internet, they mainly consider the improvement of detector architecture or the synthesis of forgery samples. The forgery perceptions, including the feature responses and prediction scores for forgery samples, have not been well considered. As a result, the generalization across multiple deepfake techniques always comes with complicated detector structures and expensive training costs. In this paper, we shift the focus to real-time perception analysis in the training process and generalize deepfake detectors through an efficient method dubbed Forgery Perception Guidance (FPG). In particular, after investigating the deficiencies of forgery perceptions, FPG adopts a sample refinement strategy to pertinently train the detector, thereby elevating the generalization efficiently. Moreover, FPG introduces more sample information as explicit optimizations, which makes the detector further adapt the sample diversities. Experiments demonstrate that FPG improves the generality of deepfake detectors with small training costs, minor detector modifications, and the acquirement of real data only. In particular, our approach not only outperforms the state-of-the-art on both the cross-dataset and cross-manipulation evaluation but also surpasses the baseline that needs more than 3× training time.

Supplemental Material

MP4 File - Advancing Generalized Deepfake Detector with Forgery Perception Guidance
In this paper, we shift the focus to real-time perception analysis in the training process and generalize deepfake detectors through an efficient method dubbed Forgery Perception Guidance (FPG). In particular, after investigating the deficiencies of forgery perceptions, FPG adopts a sample refinement strategy to pertinently train the detector, thereby elevating the generalization efficiently. Moreover, FPG introduces more sample information as explicit optimizations, which makes the detector further adapt the sample diversities. Experiments demonstrate that FPG improves the generality of deepfake detectors with small training costs, minor detector modifications, and the acquirement of real data only. In particular, our approach not only outperforms the state-of-the-art on both the cross-dataset and cross-manipulation evaluation but also surpasses the baseline that needs more than 3× training time.


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  1. Advancing Generalized Deepfake Detector with Forgery Perception Guidance



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    Published: 28 October 2024


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