How do Ties Affect the Uncertainty in Rank-Biased Overlap?
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- How do Ties Affect the Uncertainty in Rank-Biased Overlap?
The Treatment of Ties in Rank-Biased Overlap
SIGIR '24: Proceedings of the 47th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information RetrievalRank-Biased Overlap (RBO) is a similarity measure for indefinite rankings: it is top-weighted, and can be computed when only a prefix of the rankings is known or when they have only some items in common. It is widely used for instance to analyze ...
Google, bing and a new perspective on ranking similarity
CIKM '11: Proceedings of the 20th ACM international conference on Information and knowledge managementIn this paper, we propose a framework to characterize and compare two search engine results. Typical user-queries are ambiguous and, consequentially, each search engine will compute ranks in different manners, attempting to answer them in the best ...
Learning to rank with ties
SIGIR '08: Proceedings of the 31st annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrievalDesigning effective ranking functions is a core problem for information retrieval and Web search since the ranking functions directly impact the relevance of the search results. The problem has been the focus of much of the research at the intersection ...
Information & Contributors
Published In
- General Chairs:
- Tetsuya Sakai,
- Emi Ishita,
- Hiroaki Ohshima,
- Program Chairs:
- Faegheh Radboud,
- Jiaxin Mao,
- Joemon Jose
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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