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Depth Matters: Spatial Proximity-based Gaze Cone Generation for Gaze Following in Wild

Online AM: 26 August 2024 Publication History


Gaze following aims to predict where a person is looking in a scene. Existing methods tend to prioritize traditional 2D RGB visual cues or require burdensome prior knowledge and extra expensive datasets annotated in 3D coordinate systems to train specialized modules to enhance scene modeling. In this work, we introduce a novel framework deployed on a simple ResNet backbone, which exclusively uses image and depth maps to mimic human visual preferences and realize 3D-like depth perception. We first leverage depth maps to formulate spatial-based proximity information regarding the objects with the target person. This process sharpens the focus of the gaze cone on the specific region of interest pertaining to the target while diminishing the impact of surrounding distractions. To capture the diverse dependence of scene context on the saliency gaze cone, we then introduce a learnable grid-level regularized attention that anticipates coarse-grained regions of interest, thereby refining the mapping of the saliency feature to pixel-level heatmaps. This allows our model to better account for individual differences when predicting others’ gaze locations. Finally, we employ the KL-divergence loss to super the grid-level regularized attention, which combines the gaze direction, heatmap regression, and in/out classification losses, providing comprehensive supervision for model optimization. Experimental results on two publicly available datasets demonstrate the comparable performance of our model with less help of modal information. Quantitative visualization results further validate the interpretability of our method. The source code will be available at https://github.com/VUT-HFUT/DepthMatters.


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  1. Depth Matters: Spatial Proximity-based Gaze Cone Generation for Gaze Following in Wild



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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Publication History

    Online AM: 26 August 2024
    Accepted: 13 August 2024
    Revised: 12 August 2024
    Received: 06 March 2024

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    1. Gaze following
    2. Gaze cone
    3. Depth information
    4. Attention
    5. Saliency


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