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10.1145/3696355.3696364acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesrtnsConference Proceedingsconference-collections

End-to-End Schedulability of Virtualized Distributed Time-Triggered Systems

Published: 03 January 2025 Publication History


In most distributed safety-critical applications, real-time tasks executing on multi-core multi-SoC platforms communicate critical messages over a deterministic communication backbone. Virtualization is increasingly used in such systems to enhance scalability and enforce spatial isolation while still maintaining the timing properties of critical tasks. Using time-triggered (TT) scheduling on the computation, the communication, and the virtualization layer enables strict end-to-end timing guarantees with tight latency and jitter bounds. In this paper, we introduce for the first time a formal system and scheduling model to harmonize these different layers of the global scheduling problem for virtualized distributed TT real-time systems. We also describe two offline algorithms to generate TT schedules for all layers that guarantee end-to-end latency requirements. The two schedulers offer trade-offs between schedule synthesis runtime and virtualization overhead. We derive synthetic benchmarks from real-world system properties to show the scalability and schedulability of our approaches.


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  1. End-to-End Schedulability of Virtualized Distributed Time-Triggered Systems



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