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Tiny Pointers

Online AM: 21 October 2024 Publication History


This paper introduces a new data-structural object that we call the tiny pointer. In many applications, traditional \(\log n\)-bit pointers can be replaced with \(o(\log n)\)-bit tiny pointers at the cost of only a constant-factor time overhead and a small probability of failure. We develop a comprehensive theory of tiny pointers, and give optimal constructions for both fixed-size tiny pointers (i.e., settings in which all of the tiny pointers must be the same size) and variable-size tiny pointers (i.e., settings in which the average tiny-pointer size must be small, but some tiny pointers can be larger). If a tiny pointer references an item in an array filled to load factor \(1-\delta\), then the optimal tiny-pointer size is \(\Theta(\log\log\log n+\log\delta^{-1})\) bits in the fixed-size case, and \(\Theta(\log\delta^{-1})\) expected bits in the variable-size case.
Our tiny-pointer constructions also require us to revisit several classic problems having to do with balls and bins; these results may be of independent interest.
Using tiny pointers, we apply tiny pointers to five classic data-structure problems. We show that:
A data structure storing \(n\) \(v\)-bit values for \(n\) keys with constant-factor time modifications/queries can be implemented to take space \(nv+O(n\log^{(r)}n)\) bits, for any constant \(r\gt0\), as long as the user stores a tiny pointer of expected size \(O(1)\) with each key—here, \(\log^{(r)}n\) is the \(r\)-th iterated logarithm.
Any binary search tree can be made succinct, meaning that it achieves \((1+o(1))\) times the optimal space, with constant-factor time overhead, and can even be made to be within \(O(n)\) bits of optimal if we allow for \(O(\log^{*}n)\)-time modifications—this holds even for rotation-based trees such as the splay tree and the red-black tree.
Any fixed-capacity key-value dictionary can be made stable (i.e., items do not move once inserted) with constant-factor time overhead and \((1+o(1))\)-factor space overhead.
Any key-value dictionary that requires uniform-size values can be made to support arbitrary-size values with constant-factor time overhead and with an additional space consumption of \(\log^{(r)}n+O(\log j)\) bits per \(j\)-bit value for an arbitrary constant \(r\gt0\) of our choice.
Given an external-memory array \(A\) of size \((1+\varepsilon)n\) containing a dynamic set of up to \(n\) key-value pairs, it is possible to maintain an internal-memory stash of size \(O(n\log\varepsilon^{-1})\) bits so that the location of any key-value pair in \(A\) can be computed in constant time (and with no IOs).
In each case tiny pointers allow for us to take a natural space-inefficient solution that uses pointers and make it space-efficient for free.


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Publication History

Online AM: 21 October 2024
Accepted: 23 September 2024
Revised: 07 August 2024
Received: 23 July 2023

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  1. pointers
  2. space-efficient
  3. balanced allocation
  4. balls and bins
  5. hashing
  6. load balancing
  7. randomized algorithms
  8. retrieval


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