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Barendregt Convenes with Knaster and Tarski: Strong Rule Induction for Syntax with Bindings

Published: 09 January 2025 Publication History


This paper is a contribution to the meta-theory of systems featuring syntax with bindings, such as 𝜆-calculi and logics. It provides a general criterion that targets inductively defined rule-based systems, enabling for them inductive proofs that leverage Barendregt's variable convention of keeping the bound and free variables disjoint. It improves on the state of the art by (1) achieving high generality in the style of Knaster–Tarski fixed point definitions (as opposed to imposing syntactic formats), (2) capturing systems of interest without modifications, and (3) accommodating infinitary syntax and non-equivariant predicates.


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  1. Barendregt Convenes with Knaster and Tarski: Strong Rule Induction for Syntax with Bindings



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    Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages  Volume 9, Issue POPL
    January 2025
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    Published: 09 January 2025
    Published in PACMPL Volume 9, Issue POPL


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    • (2025)An Isabelle/HOL Framework for Synthetic Completeness ProofsProceedings of the 14th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Certified Programs and Proofs10.1145/3703595.3705882(171-186)Online publication date: 10-Jan-2025

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