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Specifying and using a partitionable group communication service

Published: 01 May 2001 Publication History


Group communication services are becoming accepted as effective building blocks for the construction of fault-tolerant distributed applications. Many specifications for group communication services have been proposed. However, there is still no agreement about what these specifications should say, especially in cases where the services are partitionable, i.e., where communication failures may lead to simultaneous creation of groups with disjoint memberships, such that each group is unware of the existence of any other group. In this paper, we present a new, succinct specification for a view-oriented partitionable group communication service. The service associates each message with a particular view of the group membership. All send and receive events for a message occur within the associated view. The service provides a total order on the messages within each view, and each processor receives a prefix of this order. Our specification separates safety requirements from performance and fault-tolerance requirements. The safety requirements are expressed by an abstract, global state machine. To present the performance and fault-tolerance requirements, we include failure-status input actions in the specification; we then give properties saying that consensus on the view and timely message delivery are guaranteed in an execution provided that the execution stabilizes to a situation in which the failure-status stops changing and corresponds to consistently partioned system. Because consensus is not required in every execution, the specification is not subject to the existing impossibility results for partionable systems. Our specification has a simple implementation, based on the membership algorithm of Christian and Schmuck. We show the utility of the specification by constructing an ordered-broadcast application, using an algorithm (based on algorithms of Amir, Dolev, Keidar, and others) that reconciles information derived from different instantiations of the group. The application manages the view-change activity to build a shared sequence of messages, i.e., the per-view total orders of the group service are combined to give a universal total order. We prove the correctness and analyze the performance and fault-tolerance of the resulting application.


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Ashoke Deb

A group communication service is a building block for development of practical distributed systems where processes located at different nodes of the system operate collectively as a group using a communication service to multicast messages to all members of the group. Such services are said to be partitionable if the communication failure may lead to simultaneously creating groups of disjoint membership such that each group is unaware of the existence of any other group. In such a partitionable system, each process has a unique view of the membership of the group, and this view can alter from time to time. In a view-synchronous system, the processes that proceed together through two consecutive views deliver the same set of messages between these two views, and if a particular message is delivered to several processes, all have the same view of the membership when the message is delivered. In this paper, the authors present VS, a new and succinct way of specifying view-synchronous partitionable group communication services, and demonstrate its effectiveness using an example of totally ordered broadcast communication service achieving a sequentially consistent memory. Although their specification does not describe all the possible properties that may be useful in a particular implementation, it does deal with the properties that are needed for ordered broadcast applications. VS deals with, but separates, the issues of safety requirements, and performance and fault-tolerance requirements. The safety requirements are formulated in terms of an abstract global input-output state machine; the performance and fault-tolerance requirements are expressed as a collection of properties that must hold during execution of the service, expressed in precise natural language requiring operational reasoning. VS has a number of interesting properties, including the fact that it is not subject the impossibility results that afflict some other existing schemes. Online Computing Reviews Service

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cover image ACM Transactions on Computer Systems
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems  Volume 19, Issue 2
May 2001
171 pages
  • Editor:
  • Larry L. Peterson
Issue’s Table of Contents


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 May 2001
Published in TOCS Volume 19, Issue 2


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  1. composable building blocks
  2. conditional performance analysis
  3. distributed algorithms
  4. group communication protocols
  5. message-passing protocols
  6. ordered broadcast
  7. service specification
  8. total-order broadcast


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